Chapter 44: Farewell, My Love....

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CJ rode as quickly as he could, avoiding every tree around the forest and finally making his way on the road of Blueberry.

"Yo CJ," LB told him. "That shit was tight!"

"Jeah," Ryder added. "You didn't crash the car for once."

"Yeah, the race was real smooth," CJ replied. "Where y'all want me to drop y'all off at?"

"Just pull over," Ryder told him. "LB and I are gonna roll out and see if we can find any more of Smoke's lieutenants riding bikes through the country."

CJ complied and Ryder and LB hopped out.

"What the hell y'all gonna ride?" CJ asked.

"We got our ways to transport, fool," LB told him. "We got this."

"Peace out, CJ," Ryder said as he and LB walked away.

CJ continued to ride away. Suddenly he heard his pager beep. As he stopped to a red light, he pulled out his pager and saw a message.

"Another race?" CJ asked. "Damn, this afternoon has been sweet."

CJ drove through the town and up the hill. The sun was shining brightly, and the air was fresh and clear. It was barely the afternoon and it was feeling very nice outside. He finally made his way to The Panopticon, in which the other racers were preparing in.

"Hey, CJ!" one of the racers called to him. "I got a ride for you!"

CJ looked to see that the racer was offering him a blue ZR-350.

"Oh yeah!" CJ said. "You hooked it up real good!"

"Yep!" the racer replied. "Good luck in the race, bruh."

CJ leaned against the car, waiting for all the racers to get started. He was real pumped to participate in the next race. He then looked back to see a tall, Caucasian brunette guy wearing a black jacket over green cargo pants checking the hood of his vehicle. He looked about CJ's age.

Just then, another car pulled up from behind the man, and the driver was revealed to be Catalina, who hopped out of the car and gave the man a kiss on the cheek. CJ then turned around to see Catalina approaching him while wielding a crowbar. She didn't look pleased at all.

"Damn, man, now what?" CJ asked, sounding annoyed as Catalina approached him.

"PIG!" the psychopathic Latina woman shouted in CJ's face.

"What?" CJ cried out sternly. "What'd I do now?"

"Oh, so THIS is where you been, eh?" Catalina said, motioning to CJ's ZR-350. "THIS is how you repay my tenderness! You prefer the curves of some car to those of a real woman?" She posed like a supermodel to show off her hips.

Pffffft! CJ thought. You have about as much curves as a tree stump.

"Look Catalina, you called it off!" CJ replied. "Remember, "just business"?" He used air quotes for the last two words.

"What kind of a man are you?!" Catalina snarled. "When I say "just business", I mean that I love you!" She furiously smashed the crowbar against CJ's vehicle.

"What the fuck?!" CJ shouted, barely dodging the crowbar when it hit one of the headlights.

"When I say, I no interested no more, I mean that I long for you!" Catalina continued shouting, still slamming the crowbar against the vehicle. "And when I say I missed you..!"

Enough was enough for CJ! He wasn't going to let some psychopath treat him like dirt, and he surely wasn't going to let her push him around just because she was female. It was finally time for CJ to do exactly what he should've done the first time he met her.

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