Chapter 38: Body Harvest

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As CJ made his way back to Angel Pine, he finally spotted the building of the motel.

"This must be the spot," CJ muttered. He knocked on the door.

"Hello!" CJ called as he continued knocking. "Hello?! Somebody in there?!"

"In here!" he heard Tenpenny call out in a rather slurred tone.

CJ just opened the door and entered the living room to find Officer Tenpenny sitting on an armchair inhaling smoke from a rainbow pipe. "Check this shit out," CJ said, walking through the living room.

He approached Tenpenny, who was blatantly stoned. The song "Nautilus" by Bob James was playing inside.

"What do we have here?" CJ said, not sounding surprised one bit.

"Yo, Carl!" Tenpenny greeted, sounding higher than usual. "What up, kid?"

"Hey what's happening?" CJ asked. "Ah, is this undercover training? Ah no, you must be off duty."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever," Tenpenny replied in a rather wasted tone of voice. "Mr. Truth here is gonna be supplying you with the finest..." He stopped to inhale the smoke out of the pipe, "...weed...and you are gonna deliver it for us!"

"Hey, man," CJ told the stoned cop, sounding more confused than ever. "You losing it! You hallucinating and shit!"

"What?" Tenpenny asked. "Oh! Hey, Truth! Come here, man!"

CJ looked forward to find a gray-haired man about somewhere in his 60's wearing a red flannel shirt over baggy olive-colored khaki pants and blue and white sneakers.

That must be The Truth, CJ thought.

"Welcome, friend," Truth greeted, with his hands crossed together as if he was praying while taking a bow, and he took a seat on the chair in the dining room.

"'Sup!" CJ greeted back.

"Carl here's gonna be paying you your money," Tenpenny told Truth as he continued to inhale through the pipe.

"What you talking about?" CJ asked, eyeing the stoned cop sideways.

"Now Carl," Tenpenny began to say, "I got a real do-gooder fucking with me and I want you to take this evil-green poison and drop it on him." Tenpenny began to chuckle and took another hit of the pipe. "He's gonna ruin that asshole's career!" he continued.

"Ah bullshit!" CJ called out.

"Dude, you want mushrooms?" Truth asked Tenpenny. "Ludes? How about some DMT?"

"Naw, not for me, man," Tenpenny told him, putting the pipe aside. "I gotta jet." He hopped off the chair and began to walk out. "Whoo, shit!" he muttered, making his way through the exit. "I'm fucked up! Yo Carl! Pay the man!"

As Tenpenny left, Truth left his seat.

"Whoa, man!" Truth cried out in astonishment. "I never thought I'd see that! A fed out-smoking me!" He turned to CJ. "What are you, dude?" Truth asked CJ. "FBI? DEA?"

"Naw," CJ answered. "I'm more like a private investigator."

"Friend, you give off a positive energy," Truth told him. "How about some Vietnamese opium?"

"Naw," CJ replied. "I don't get down with that."

"But how do I know I can trust you?" Truth asked.

"What?!" CJ asked, sounding bewildered. He had just met The Truth and already, he was skeptical. "I'm working for you now?"

"I'm a man of peace, but some squares across that ridge are not respecting my peace," The Truth muttered. "I mean survivalist maniacs! Right wingers! Fascists! They have a harvester, and I need one! Get it, and then you can pay me. Amaste, Carl."

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