Chapter 79: Clean Getaway

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The next morning, CJ decided to walk back to the garage. There was only one more item left to redesign the garage: the fabric. So CJ returned to the garage in Doherty to meet up with the others. He saw Cesar, Ryder, and LB circled together having a discussion. They turned to see CJ.

"What's up, homie?" Ryder told CJ, giving him some dap.

"What's happening, Ryder?" CJ greeted back.

"Carl, que pasa?" Cesar replied.

"Ceez, back at ya, hombre," CJ replied.

"Yo what's up, CJ?" LB said.

"No prob, LB," CJ replied. "What y'all up to?"

"So we were just having a little discussion," Ryder answered. "About what we should have the garage designed like."

"Si, holmes," Cesar added. "We're thinking of something that speaks loud for this decade, something timeless. What do you think?"

"Man, I do like this place to represent the '90s," CJ told him, "but I don't want it to be too dated as the years pass on."

"Jeah," Ryder said. "I already spoke to Lisa about this and she's wondering what logos best fits the garage's style."

"Well, we'll have to save that discussion until after we finish the garage," LB told them all. "Right now, here comes Lisa."

CJ's heart beat rapidly as he saw Lisa arrive. His stomach started tying to knots once again. He just couldn't seem to stay internally stable whenever he would see Lisa come around.

"Okay, guys," Lisa told him, holding the list in front of her. "We got everything on the list. Now all we need is the fabrics. Carl, didn't you say that the old man back at Flint County has some fabric back at his hut?"

"Ah I forgot!" CJ protested. "We were supposed to grab the fabric from him last night! Fuck!"

"It's fine, Carl," Lisa told him. "Just go back and get the fabric from him. And you might want to do it before night falls, before you run into any more wild nocturnal animals. Please be careful out there, Carl."

"Don't worry, Lisa," Carl said, picking up a rifle from against the wall. "I'm prepared this time."

"Cool," LB said. "Don't become no African barbecue sandwich!"

CJ headed out of the garage door and hopped into the Washington parked outside. He started the engine and squealed away on the road. The morning air today was still, and the sun was barely present, hiding behind the white clouds. The traffic was absent, giving CJ a smoother ride through the freeway. He drove down the end of the freeway and made a left turn on Whetstone.

The roads started to get a little bumpy as he drove onto the mountainside, and he struggled to keep in control of the vehicle. When he finally reached Flint County, he pulled in front of Truth's hut and hopped out of the vehicle.

"Truth!" CJ called. "You in there?!"

He walked inside to see Truth meditating.

"Welcome back, Carl," Truth replied, not opening his eyes. "If you're looking for the fabric, then I got a whole supply of them here in the back."

"Thanks for that, Truth," CJ said. He walked up to the pile of fabric. But then shouted frantically when he attempted to spread it out. Hundreds of roaches crawled around them, and they seemed to stay right on there, as if to remind anyone that the fabric was their property.

"Motherfucker!" CJ shouted. "Truth, you didn't tell me this fabric had bugs!"

This caused Truth to finally open his eyes by surprise and stand on his feet. He rushed over to find the insects crawling all over the fabric.

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