Chapter 113: Vertical Bird

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Madd Dogg had now gotten his mansion back, and he was now ready to reclaim his throne in the hip hop game. So hours later, he was back into the studio, with Maccer as the performing artist and Kent Paul as the producer. As the beat began to drop, Madd Dogg started rapping as CJ stood there listening. Maccer on the other hand was distracted. He kept on chanting amorously, apparently lost in his own world.

"Go on... Go on... Come on... Come on... Go on..." he kept chanting, paying no attention to Madd Dogg.

"Will you please leave yourself alone?!" Paul demanded, turning to his horny partner.

"Oh, fuck!" Maccer cried out.

"Oh, you manky mongrel!" Paul told him.

"Ooh, sorry geez," Maccer protested.

"You shouldn't be choking the gecko in the first place!" Paul told him. "Remember what happened at that gig in Hamburg?!"

"That groupie loved it!" Maccer protested.

"That wasn't a groupie, that was a roadie!" Paul growled at his partner.

"But she had great tits," Maccer said, facing Paul.

"MAN tits!" Paul yelled in Maccer's face, grabbing him by the collar and pushing him away. "They were MAN TITS!"

Suddenly, the recording equipment shut off. Madd Dogg tapped into his microphone to inspect the sound.

"Hey, what happened?" CJ asked. "Hey, where the sounds at?"

"I dunno, bruv," Paul replied. "It all just went!"

"You're fucking shite you are, P," Maccer told him.

"I can't be held responsible for dodgy gear, alright?" Paul protested.

"C'mon, keep it together, man," CJ told the two. "We can't fuck with his flow.

"Finally!" CJ suddenly heard Toreno's voice through the speaker somewhere in the recording equipment. "I thought I'd never get through to you."

"What the... Toreno?" CJ asked, looking around. "Is that you?"

"What's happenin' here?" Paul asked.

"Toreno?" CJ asked, looking around.

"Listen," Toreno said through the speaker, "you gotta pull one last string for me, OK? Communists at the gate, Carl."

"I'm tired of this, Toreno," CJ told him.

"I'm outside," Toreno told him. "Let's take a ride."

The audio output was now reinstated, and the music resumed.

"Now I'm hearing things," Maccer replied. "Fuck me!"

"Hey, I gotta get out of here," CJ told the two Britains. "You got this?"

CJ then turned to Madd Dogg. "Hey, Dogg," he told the rapper. "I gotta go hit a marketing meeting, I'm gonna catch you later!"

"Right, mind how you go, sunshine," Paul told CJ, who went out the exit, as Madd Dogg continued rapping. "Yeah, sweet as... Come on. You having that, Maccer, you having that?"

CJ met Toreno outside the rainy night, guiding him to his brown Washington.

"Well, no invite to the housewarming, huh, kid?" Toreno told CJ, grinning.

"I knew you'd come anyway," CJ claimed.

"Yeah, well, that's not important right now," Toreno told him. "I'll bring you up to speed on the way, get in."

Toreno hopped in the driver's seat of the vehicle and CJ got into the passenger's seat. The former drove away and through the Badlands. The rain poured heavily as Toreno drove through the forest.

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