Chapter 52: Eazy Ryder

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The radio clock alarm went off. CJ woke up to turn it off. He stared at the time. It was 7:30 AM. CJ looked out the window to find the sky at a nice, bluish-purple color. CJ sat on the edge of the bed and stretched his arms up in the air. He stood up on his feet and curved himself backwards. CJ got dressed in different clothes and headed to the kitchen. He checked the fridge and found a carton of orange juice and a jar of peanut butter. He took them both out, made a peanut butter sandwich, poured a glass of orange juice, and put the carton and jar back inside the freezer.

He took the plate and glass with him to the living room and turned the television on. CJ was lucky it had cable. The first channel the televison showed was Nickelodeon, which featured an episode of Ren and Stimpy showing the two characters getting jobs as fire dogs. CJ was 21 years old, yet he still enjoyed watching cartoons just as much as live-action comedy shows. In fact, the three Nicktoons was the reason he even took an interest in the Nickelodeon channel. CJ was laughing like a lunatic at the antics the two cartoon characters were being involved in.

Just then he heard his cell phone ring. CJ picked it up to answer it.

"Yeah, what?" CJ answered.

"Yo, man, it's Jethro, dude," he heard Jethro say over the phone.

"Hey, Jethro," CJ replied. "Whattup?"

"Well, I was talking to Cesar," Jethro started, "and uh, well don't get me wrong, dude, I mean, you are one out there dude, when it comes to driving, man, but Cesar, he told me how many cars you get through, dude, and me and Dwaine were like, Whooooa!"

"What is your point, Jethro?" CJ asked, bewildered.

"No point, man," Jethro answered, "no point. Just that there's an advanced driving school, like, just up the road from the garage, man, like, in Doherty."

"Driving school?" CJ asked. "Man, exactly what you trying to say, man?"

"Nothing, man!" Jethro replied. "Nothing! It was Dwaine's idea. I think you're, like, y'know, cool and shit. I better go, CJ, I'll see you later."

CJ hung up the phone and set it aside as he continued watching television.

Come to think about it, I do need to improve on my driving, CJ thought. Also, it would finally get Ryder off my back from my driving.

So as CJ continued watching the last seconds of Ren and Stimpy, he turned the TV off and decided to head out of the door. He saw the building for the driving school across the street and ran to it while crossing the street. As he entered the building, he met a man in a gray jacket over matching pants.

"Welcome to the Advanced Driving School," he greeted.

"Advanced?" CJ asked doubtfully.

"Hey, this school is pretty special to say the least," the instructor continued. "To pass, you must score bronze or higher in all 12 tests."

"What kind of tests?" CJ asked. "I already know about the parking, the driving, the stopping, all that shit."

"There's a lot more to this school than that," the instructor announced. "To view a demonstration of each level, please use the TV over there."

He pointed at a black television that was adjacent to the back door.

"Passing a test will unlock the next test in the training program," the instructor continued. "You can come back and check your scores or take new tests at any time."

"Okay," CJ answered, walking towards the television. "Whatever you say. Anything to improve on my driving."

CJ looked at the screen and saw the first test on the screen. It was called "The 360", which consisted on turning the car around clockwise.

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