Chapter 115: Cutthroat Business

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The next day, Madd Dog and Kent Paul were both sitting in the studio inside the mansion. Madd Dogg was watching a commercial on television, and Kent Paul was sitting right next to him.

"Hey, what's up, Dogg?" CJ greeted the rapper as he walked into the studio giving Madd Dogg a handshake.

"CJ, what's up, baby?" Madd Dogg greeted back. "Word."

"Resist, sunshine, you can do it!" Paul told Maccer, who was standing right on the other side of the studio staring through the glass between them. "For me, eh? Fucking Northerners..." Paul then stopped to realize that Maccer was about to stick his hand in his pants. "No, Maccer!" Paul urged. "Fight the urge! Think of... Thatcher!"

"You know it's my time again..." Madd Dogg told CJ, ignoring the two Britains.

"I know, dude," CJ replied. "So what's holding you back?"

"Woah, hold up, this his video?" Madd asked as he turned back to the television and turned the volume up. "I gotta see this..."

"Hey, man, you clean now," CJ told the rapper. "You got nothing to worry about."

Madd Dogg just focused on the television. "Man, that fake-ass LOC!" he growled, watching the television.

OG Loc was indeed on television alright – shooting a music video in Verona Beach.

"Loc?" CJ asked as he watched the television as well. "But he's terrible!"

CJ took a closer look at the television to watch OG Loc doing his usual dance and freestyling lyrics that came straight out of Madd Dogg's rhyme book, just changed up a bit in his own use of 'hood jargon.

Amazing, CJ thought. Even after he plagiarizes Madd Dogg's rhymes, he still sound horrible.

"Motherfucker..." Madd Dogg grumbled under his breath as he listened the music video fastidiously. "I knew there was something familiar about those rhymes he was kicking. They're from my rhyme book! That's my money! And those are my hoes! AND THAT'S MY VIDEO HE'S SHOOTING TODAY!"

CJ then had an idea. "OK," CJ told Madd Dogg. "I say we make a cameo appearance. Just drop in, unannounced."

"Yeah, that's gangsta," Madd Dogg agreed, giving CJ a handshake. "C'mon."

Maccer was moaning in the background. "Thatcher!" he chanted. "Thatcher! I love you Maggie!"

Paul then turned to Maccer. "Oh Maccer!" he groaned. "You ain't right in the head, mate!"

CJ and Madd Dogg stared back in confusion and walked away without saying a word. They exited the mansion and walked up to a parked BF Injection parked by a garage. They hopped inside and CJ started the engine.

"OK, let's drop in on OG Loc," CJ planned as he drove out of the driveway and onto the road. "See if we can interrupt that shoot and recoup some royalties."

"And my rhyme book!" Madd Dogg added. "We're flying in style, baby! You got all the makings of a great manager, Carl."

"Save it till we spinning Loc's party," CJ told him.

"Tell me how a thick-ass phony like suck-ass Loc can make it into the rap game, CJ," Madd Dogg told CJ.

"Music business is changing, Dogg," CJ replied vociferously. "It's all about dance routines and showmanship now. Any fake-ass idiot can get a record deal these days."

"So what am I supposed to do?" Madd Dogg asked.

"Dogg, you got heart!" CJ responded. "You got natural style. You got ice-cold gangsters running through your veins. Anybody can get a record deal, but only the genuine article can shake down the house."

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