Chapter 27: Leaving the Nest

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CJ made it back to his street and ran to the front doorstep of Sweet's house. He knocked on the front door.

"Sweet!" CJ called.

No answer.

CJ then found out that the door was opened and walked inside. He heard "Sensitivity" by Ralph Tresvant playing in the living room.

"Sweet?" CJ called, walking down the hallway. "Sweet, you in here?"

CJ entered the living room to find Kendl sitting next to Cesar, her head resting on his right shoulder. The two took notice of CJ as they saw him walking inside.

"Hey, Carl," Kendl said, waving.

"Hey, sis," CJ greeted. He then turn to Cesar. "Cesar, que pasa?"

"CJ," Cesar said back. "¡Qué sorpresa!"

"What's crackin' with you, Ceez?" CJ told him.

"Just getting my game on, holmes," Cesar chuckled.

CJ started to laugh. "I see you got all the game," CJ said. "So, uhh, how you and my sister doing?"

"Just fine, CJ," Kendl told him, "So, you seeing anyone particular?"

"Well...." CJ started to say, ".... I haven't got a chance to find anyone I like. I ain't found the right girl."

"You ain't never gonna find the right one, 'cause you treat them all like shit," Kendl sneered.

"Easy, angel," Cesar told her. "Men don't find love, love finds man, eh carnal?"

Kendl giggled. "Yeah, I guess it does...." she agreed. Then she turned to CJ. "Okay, listen, Carl," she told him, "now that Moms is gone, I'm gonna have to be the woman here."

"You ain't thinking about taking over Moms' position as parent, are you, sis?" CJ asked.

"Don't be crazy, Carl," Kendl replied. "I would never try to usurp my own mother as the new Johnson parent. She treated us all well and taught us better. I meant that I'm gonna be putting in work since I'm now a grown woman."

"You think you perfectly fine on your own now?" CJ asked.

"I'm 20 years old, Carl," Kendl told him. "I'll be 21 next year in February. I think I know how to take care of my damn self."

"That's cool, sis," CJ told his sister, "but how Sweet gonna feel about this once he finds out?"

"He just gonna have to get used to it," Kendl replied. "I ain't afraid to let my own brother know."

"Yo, where is Sweet anyway?" CJ asked.

"He probably hanging out at the club with Smoke and Ryder," Kendl responded. "Either that or those three assholes are capping their rivalry gang."

"Chica," Cesar told her. "Do you know who you're dating?"

"Oh, my bad, Ceez," Kendl told him. "No offense."

"Niguana toma, baby," Cesar told her.

"So Carl," Kendl said, handing CJ a stack of papers with her signature on them. "These are the papers I've signed to show that I'm a legal resident at Cesar's place."

"You living with Cesar now?" CJ asked.

"Um-hmm," Kendl responded. "I want you to take these papers to the landlord to confirm this. The landlord is in the inn over at El Corona. Give it to him and let him know I'm now living over at El Corona."

"Sure," CJ told her, sounding a bit skeptical. He turned to head out the door.

"And don't lose those papers, Carl!" Kendl called. "They're very important!"

CJ was never the one to tell his little sister what to do. After all, she was a grown woman now and old enough to make her own decisions. But how would Sweet react once he found this out? To Sweet, Kendl was still his baby sister, and after what happened to Brian five years ago, only God would know what he would do once he learned that Kendl was now moving out of Sweet's house and with Cesar.

CJ didn't say a word. He just hopped onto his bicycle and rode down the street. He had to hold on to the paperwork Kendl gave him to confirm her residence in Cesar's house to the landlord.

As soon as he finally made it to the inn at El Corona, CJ hopped off his bike and walked up to the front entrance.

"Well look what we got over here," he heard a voice from behind him say.

CJ turned to see the Vagos standing right behind him. "Ah shit!" CJ cried.

"Eh, what gives you the temerity to step into our turf, ese?" one of the Vagos asked CJ. "You think we're a fucking joke to you, puto?"

He ran away as the Vagos shot at him and took cover behind some cars in the parking lot. As the Vagos shot at CJ, he crept from behind the vehicles and shot at them back.

He killed the Vagos members and turned behind him to spot more Vagos gang members scattering around the streets like a proliferation of stubborn cockroaches around a dirty apartment. CJ made a run for it and used the wall of the bridge as cover. He shot back at the Vagos members one by one and watched as they all dropped dead on the ground.

After a few more wave of Vagos gang members came out shooting at CJ and the latter taking cover from every shot fired at him, CJ quickly killed each Vagos member one by one and was now free to get into the inn.

As he stepped inside, he walked up to a Latino man behind the counter. "What can I do for you, sir?" the man asked CJ.

CJ handed the man the papers. "This is for Kendl Johnson," he told the man. "You must be the landlord."

"What's it to ya?" the landlord told him. He examined the papers for thirty seconds and then turned to CJ.

"Okay," he said finally. "You tell Kendl that she's a new resident here in El Corona."

"Cool," CJ said.

He walked out of the inn and punched in Kendl's number. "Hey, sis," CJ said over the phone. "I got those papers in to the landlord. You're an official resident here in El Corona."

"Thanks, Carl," Kendl said. "I'm officially out of this house for good. And Carl, don't worry about Sweet. He's just gonna find out himself, and if he don't like it, that's his problem."

"Okay, Kendl," CJ replied. "You be careful out here, girl. You'll never know what these other eses might get you into."

CJ hung up the phone and thought for a second. Kendl had now officially left the Johnson resident to live with Cesar Vialpando. He wasn't sadden by this in the slightest, because he knew that Kendl was now a young adult and living a new life with a future husband. Cesar seemed like a nice guy who truly loved Kendl with all his heart, and he felt that he and Cesar would make good friends.

I think me and Cesar are gonna have a cool relationship with each other, CJ thought with a grin.

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