Chapter 81: Death of a Party (sort of)

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As night finally fell, the group gathered around to make the sign. Ryder and LB spray painted the title of the newly-designed garage while CJ made one small sign that read "Grand Opening". Using a ladder, Cesar and Ryder posted the sign on top of the garage while CJ placed the "Grand Opening" sign on the left side. Inside the garage were the workers gathered around: CJ, Kendl, LB, Cesar, Ryder, Lisa, Zero, Dwaine, and Jethro.

"Excellent work, fellas!" Lisa told the other eight people. "So now it's time to celebrate! Aside from the imminent grand opening, this demands a well-deserving party!"

"Jeah!" Ryder agreed. "It's time to celebrate!"

"I'm down with that," Kendl added.

"Me too!" Cesar replied.

"Excellent!" Lisa said. "You know that old land outside? We can use that to set up some awnings, tents, speakers, chairs, and tables too, as well as some music to liven things up. Now all we need are some food and beverages! Which is why I'm making Carl here the designated delivery boy."

"Hell yeah!" CJ said, standing proudly as Lisa picked up a pen and paper and started writing down a list.

Lisa handed him the list. "Here you go, Carl," she told him. "You know the drill."

"Thanks, Lees," CJ said as Lisa walked away. In a few seconds, CJ then realized exactly what he just agreed to. "Wait, what?!"

Before he knew it, CJ had gone outside to hop onto the parked Washington. He couldn't believe he was the one who had to pick up the food for the party. But he didn't complain. The Art of Automobiles was now open for business, and he was going to have a fun time with the others.

CJ drove the car on the road and through Downtown. The lights around the city glistened through the cold, nocturnal air. The cars' horns blared as they drove through the roads. It was a very smooth ride for CJ. All he wanted to do was to head to the supermarket to grab some food for the party at the garage. So he drove uphill and made a left turn on Juniper Hill, where he parked in front of the Supa Save supermarket. CJ grabbed the list Lisa gave him and hopped out.

As he entered the supermarket, he grabbed a shopping cart and looked at everything to buy on the list: chips, fruit punch, water, guacamole, nachos, muffins, sour cream, fruit salad, and crackers. Of course, CJ also bought some paper plates, paper cups, napkins, paper towels, aluminum foil, ice chest, and plastic utensils. So CJ walked around the aisles in the market and grabbed the items listed on the sheet to place them in the bag. After a few minutes of shopping, CJ finally went to the checkout center and paid for the food.

CJ carried the bag of food as he walked out of the supermarket and to the car. But when he finally put the food inside the trunk of his vehicle, he overheard two guys inside a black Tahoma talking.

"Ah, what do you want to do, homie?" one of the guys asked his partner.

"I hear that this garage over at Doherty is opening up," his partner answered. "I say let's crash the place!"

"Yeah, I'm down with that!" the other guy agreed.

"Ah shit!" CJ shouted. "I can't let those motherfuckers ruin our business!"

So as CJ overheard this, he watched as the Tahoma sped away. This prompted CJ to hop inside his own vehicle and drive after the Tahoma. He had to keep the vehicle from getting to the garage. So as he finally caught up with the vehicle, he rammed it to the side.

"Hey, who the fuck is this asshole?!" the driver asked.

"I got this!" his partner told him.

He pulled out his tech nine and shot at CJ's vehicle. CJ swerved to his right to avoid the bullets. He knew that if the car got damaged, so would the food and food material, and he wasn't going to go back to the supermarket to buy any more. So CJ had no choice but to drive-by shoot at the vehicle. The two cars drove side-to-side through the city, and CJ and the passenger guy were exchanging bullets to each other.

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (Rewrite)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें