Chapter 99: Architectural Espionage

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As CJ made his way into the Four Dragons Casino, he looked around for Woozie in the room. No sign of anyone there.

So CJ searched around to find another room, and came across a small, dark area, where a figure was shown inside. CJ squinted harder to see who it was.

"Woozie?" he asked.

"Oh, Carl!" Woozie called.

"You could at least turn the lights on," CJ told him.

"Oh, I thought I had," Woozie said. "This window here must let some light in."

CJ searched for the switch and turned on the light. He looked around to find a storage room with a view small space.

"Yeah, this is perfect right here," CJ declared, rubbing his palms together. "This where we're going to plan the heist at."

"Anyone else coming?" Woozie asked.

"No," CJ answered.

"Couldn't we have done this in my office?" Woozie asked.

"You gotta have a secret place to plan shit like this, that's just how it's done!" CJ told him.

"OK, OK, I see where you're coming from," Woozie agreed. "So what do we do?"

"I guess we got to make a plan," CJ answered.

"Speaking of plans, do you have the layout to Caligula's Casino?" Woozie asked.

"Shit," CJ grunted silently. "No. I guess I gotta go get one."

"Meeting adjourned?" Woozie asked.

"Meeting adjourned," CJ repeated, and he left the room.

He headed out of the front of the casino and hopped inside his vehicle. He made a U-turn and drove straight down through the Camel's Toe, where he pulled up in front of the Planning Department Headquarters.

CJ's plan was to sneak into the building and get a picture of the blueprints inside. Of course, CJ knew that weapons of any kind were prohibited, and if he had any of them visible inside, he could kiss his imminent heist goodbye. So CJ knew he had to be much more circumspect about this.

He reached out from the back seat of the vehicle and grabbed the camera. He exited the car and walked inside the building up front.

As soon as CJ stepped inside, he spotted the receptionist at the desk. So he walked over to her.

"May I help you, sir?" the receptionist asked CJ, hopping out of her seat.

"I'd like to see the architectural plans for Caligula's Casino, please," CJ answered.

"Okay, sir," the receptionist replied. "Are you aware that reproduction of such plans is prohibited?"

"No, I didn't know that," CJ admitted. "Why?"

"Well," the receptionist started to answer, "we don't want to be party to preparation of a daring raid on the count room. Does sir understand?"

"Oh, of course," CJ said after taking three seconds to think. "The owners wouldn't want to take a gamble on that happening."

"I will buzz open the door," the receptionist answered. "It's directly by the main entrance."

CJ turned to his left and headed to the door, which was now accessible. He went through and scaled some stairs inside, leading to fourth floor.

On the right side of the room to the very end, CJ saw the blueprints mounted onto the wall right ahead. Unfortunately, he saw that there was also a guard pacing around inside the room. He couldn't get a photo of the blueprints with the guard around. It would elicit trouble from the law during his conspiracy. So CJ had to think of a way to distract the guard to give himself enough time to take a quick photograph of the blueprints.

Think, CJ, think! he thought. What can I do to distract this guy?

CJ went downstairs to think. He had to find a way to get the guard to leave the room so he would have enough time to take a photograph of the blueprints without being spotted.

As he made his way to the room in the third floor. He looked around to find something that he can use as a distraction. When he went into the back room, he found two rusty, dilapidated air-cons.

Those look like they gonna blow up, he thought.

And that's what gave him an idea! CJ just picked up a cane from against the wall by the doorway and used it to destroy the old air-con units. This caused a fire, and CJ emerged out of the room to face the patrons.

"Fire!" he shouted out. "A fire just started in the back room!"

Everybody then dispersed through the room and headed to the exit as the bell came on.

"Everybody out!" the guard from the fourth floor called out as he stuck his head through the doorway to guide everyone out with him. "This is not a drill."

As everyone fled frantically in an apprehensive frenzy, CJ went back to the room on the fourth floor and saw that it was now clear. So he surreptitiously crept into the room and into the back room. He saw the blueprints to Caligula's Casino and pulled out his camera. He aimed precisely at the blueprints and took its picture.

Success! CJ thought gleefully.

"Where are those damn firemen?" he heard one of the managers say distantly.

CJ had to get out of the building before any of the cops. So he quickly, but steadily crept out of the room and shifted down the stairs, being very cautious of any policemen that might take him down a peg or two. So far, no cops had come around to fire at him. So he continued to slowly creep down the stairs.

By the time he made it to the bottom, he saw that there were a team of security guards in the room and quickly tried to creep his way out the door.

By the time CJ made it outside, he saw an army of cops outside and quickly hopped into his vehicle, starting the engine in the process. Before the cops could reach his vehicle, CJ put the car in drive and stomped onto the gas pedal, fleeing away from the police. He drove around the city trying to shake them off of him, careful of not trying to crash into anything.

After several seconds, CJ finally fought off the police and drove back to the Four Dragon's Casino. He drove to the side of the building, put the car in park, hopped out of his vehicle, and walked over to the garage, which gradually opened, showing Guppy driving out in a blue Glendale. CJ gave Guppy the camera as the latter stopped in front of him.

"Get this film developed for Woozie," CJ demanded.

"You got it, CJ," Guppy said. "Good work!"

CJ watched him drive away and decided it was time for him to hit the sack. So he hopped right back into his vehicle, started the engine, and drove away to his hotel. He was on a big mission at this point.

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