Chapter 21: Gray Imports

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The next morning, CJ decided to take a bike ride around the city. It was sunny outside, and the air was stiff and static. He rode through Downtown Los Santos and Market.

He then saw Jim's Sticky Ring donut shop on Market and decided to go for some donuts at the moment. He hadn't eaten breakfast today, and was looking forward to enjoy some donuts and coffee. So he parked his bicycle by the building and started to enter the shop.

"Carl!" Pulaski cried out, exiting the shop as he saw CJ unwillingly walk right in front of him.

"Damn!" CJ said.

I guess I should've anticipated those dirty cops still being around, CJ thought.

He turned to quickly leave, but Pulaski grabbed him by the collar and held him back. "Where you off to?" Pulaski asked him, turning CJ around to face him.

"Shit!" CJ muttered

Tenpenny came out of the shop as well "Where you running off to, Carl?" he asked CJ as Hernandez exited from behind. "I thought we were friends."

"Yeah, whatever..." CJ replied sarcastically.

"As an officer in charge of putting an end to gang violence," Tenpenny told him, "I find myself in a difficult moral position, Carl."

"Yeah, right," CJ uttered, trying not to make contact with the two officers.

"Carl, I'm hurt," Tenpenny said, grinning, mocking a desperate officer begging for mercy. "I truly am. And just as I was about to help those poor Grove Street boys."

"Oh, yeah?" CJ asked, still sounding skeptical of Tenpenny's contention. "How?"

"I like the status quo, Carl," Tenpenny told CJ, his grin growing wider as the other two officers went to their police car. "I like having all you bastards doing my job for me - blowing each other's guts all over the sidewalk."

"Dumb bastards?!" CJ muttered.

"Now, if it's brought to my attention that one tribe gets an unfair advantage over another," Tenpenny continued, facing CJ. "That truly troubles me, Carl."

CJ just stared hard at Tenpenny. "So what you saying, man?" he finally asked.

"I'm saying the Ballas have brains, Carl," Tenpenny responded, motioning to his police car. "They watch the news. I'm saying they're making friends, cutting deals, and tooling up for more than half-assed drive-bys. Lots of cheap guns coming into America since the fall of the wall, Carl."

Tenpenny headed to the passenger door of the car.

"Man, cut that bullshit, Tenpenny," CJ finally blurted out, tired of the cop's faux-helpful advice. "Just say what you mean, man."

"Go check out a busy freight warehouse down the docklands and you'll see what I mean, Carl," Tenpenny replied.

"Yeah, okay," CJ said.

"Y'all take care now," Pulaski said as Tenpenny hopped into the passenger's seat.

"F'sho," CJ replied, and he watched as the cops promptly drove away.

CJ shook his head. It was too much for the officers to have him do their dirty work for him, and he wasn't in the mood to deal with any cops in general. So he wanted to get this over with right away and hopped onto his bicycle. He pedaled through the city as fast as his scrawny legs could carry him and finally made it to the Ocean Docks, where the Russians and Ballas were having a meeting in the warehouse, Gray Imports to be exact.

I see why Tenpenny wanted me to do this job, CJ thought.

CJ first needed to find a way to sneak inside to gain access into the office, where the deal was set in. So he crept behind the wall of the front gate and took a furtive look around the warehouse. He pulled out his machine guns and used them to shoot at the gangs, using the wall as cover.

CJ snuck behind the freight container trains and shot down some more Russian gangs inside the warehouse. As he got past them, he snuck up to the garage of the warehouse and saw it open, with more Russians shooting at him.

CJ took cover and shot them back, killing them one by one. There were stacks of boxes inside. So CJ used them to take cover when he would encounter any more Russian gangsters that might pop out of nowhere to shoot at him.

He continued navigating through the maze of boxes and shot more Russian gangsters who tried to take him down. As CJ continued navigating through the inside of the warehouse and taking down more of the gangs who kept getting into his way, CJ made his way up the stairs in the back and came across some Ballas into the office. CJ took them out as well and spotted the Russian arms dealer inside as well.

"Stop!" the dealer shouted as CJ finally confronted him inside the office. "We could do business!"

"Yeah," CJ responded. "We could do business – by trading your fate in for them bucks!"

CJ prepared to kill the dealer, but the latter turned away and ran out the backdoor. CJ just chased after him.

"Fuck you, Americansky!" the dealer shouted, still running away. "I'm gone!"

CJ just continued to chase after the dealer as the latter dashed down the stairs outside.

"Doing business in America is dangerous!" the dealer shouted, still continuing to run away without even turning back.

CJ just continued to chase the dealer, with many Russians outside shooting at him as well. CJ just shot them all down one by one and chased the dealer. When he made it to the exit of the gates, he saw that the dealer was about to escape via Banshee. So he watched the dealer hop inside and shot the dealer's vehicle, causing to explode as he shot the gas tank from the side.

CJ walked to the crispy vehicle and picked up the money that flew around the vehicle.

"Pleasure doing business with you," CJ told the deceased dealer.

CJ looked around to see if anyone else was following him. He ran outside of the warehouse without turning back and hopped back onto his bicycle that was parked outside. CJ heard his stomach growl and was still hungry. So he pedaled back to the city to return to the donut shop to get some food.

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