Chapter 30: Bienvenido a la Familia

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First, CJ rode back home to put his bike in the garage and exchanged it for the lowrider inside. Then, CJ used the latter vehicle to back out of the garage and made his way to Denise's house, and to his surprise, he saw that she had already exited the house before he even had the chance to hop out of the vehicle. She flashed CJ a smile as she stepped over to the vehicle.

"What's up, Romeo?" she told CJ as she hopped into the lowrider.

"What's happening, girl?" CJ greeted back.

"I'm hungry," Denise told him. "Let's go out to eat."

"I'd like that," CJ replied.

He drove straight down the road and made a left turn on the road leading to Willowfield. He hoped he wouldn't have to deal with another drive-by incident with the Ballas like the last time where he and his friends last visited Cluckin' Bell. So he had his machine gun ready. As he drove, the song "Black Pearl" by Yo-Yo was heard on the radio.

As CJ finally made it to Cluckin' Bell, he parked up front, and he and Denise exited the vehicle and entered the restaurant. After a few minutes, they ordered their meal and enjoyed their food as they stared at each other. The song "I'm So Into You" by SWV was heard playing inside. So during the next hours, CJ visited Denise's house and spent a nice afternoon with her. He took her out to eat, they hung out at the bar, went to a dance club, and even performed drive-bys on the Ballas and Vagos. After nearly a full hour, CJ dropped Denise back at her house. This could be his chance to get his first girlfriend.

He then checked his watch. It was now 7:58 PM. He decided to see Cesar to get to know him and his allies. So CJ took his lowrider out of the garage of his mother's house and drove straight to El Corona. CJ arrived at Cesar's house to see that it was packed with party guests. Some music from Kid Frost was playing in the background.

Damn, CJ thought. Cesar never told me he was having a party.

CJ walked up to the front door and knocked on the door.

"Hey, CJ!" Cesar called from the left side of the house. "Over here!"

"Hey, Carl," Kendl called, waving back.

CJ looked to see Cesar sitting adjacent to Kendl on a lawn chair, with many other Latino guests around the house. One of them was using a grill to cook some tacos.

CJ walked up to Cesar and Kendl . "Hey Kendl," CJ said, hugging his sister. He then turned to Cesar. "What's up, ese?" CJ told Cesar as held his arms up. "You didn't invite me?"

"I didn't know you wanted to come to the party, holmes," Cesar said. "I just thought you were busy with other plans; y'know, trying to defend your territory from those Ballas."

"I got that covered, Ceez," CJ told him. "My brother and homies been putting in work. They all real serious about getting the Grove back together. I just came here so we could know each other better."

"That's great, ese," Cesar said. "Go ahead and cap those hijos de puta! Would love to see the rest of your amigos, holmes."

"Yeah," CJ replied. "Well, you gonna have to be patient with them, because aside from the fact that they also ain't down with the Latinos, Big Smoke be speaking this bullshit he got from this so-called book, and Ryder be on that wet shit."

Cesar just laughed. "You really must have some crazy amigos, holmes," Cesar chuckled.

"You have no idea, Ceez," CJ said, giving Cesar a high five.

Their conversation didn't last long. Some of Cesar's friends came around to confront CJ, including Jose.

"Hey, what's this maricon doing here?!" Jose snapped, pointing fingers at CJ.

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