Chapter 77: Paint the Forest Red

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Everyone was once gathered around the billboard with the sketch onto it.

"Okay, so we got the cement, and the clothes appear to fit each and every one of us," Lisa informed, crossing out some of the items off the list. "Now in order to give this place a nice, aesthetic look, we need some color. Y'all know a place here in Fierro that sell paint?"

"I know this Hardware store over at the Badlands that sell paint and the tools we need to use," Ryder replied. "It's called Powertool Paradise, over at Angel Pine. That way, we could cross two items off the list at once."

"Great thinking, Lance," Lisa answered, right before she was shocked of what she said. "Wait! Did those words just come right out of my mouth?!"

"Oooh – she throwing shades at you, Ryder," CJ said. He and the rest of them started laughing, with Ryder just standing there glaring at them.

"Man enough of this bullshit!" Ryder shouted, cutting them off. "We gonna get the paint and tools or what?"

"He's right, holmes," Cesar added. "Let's go to the hardware store, eh."

So Ryder, Cesar, and LB headed out of the garage door, but not before Lisa cut them off.

"Hey, boys!" Lisa called to them. They turned around to face her. "Be careful out there! Please don't get into any trouble!"

"You heard her, boys!" Kendl added. "Just get the stuff and come straight back!"

"No problem, girls!" CJ called back. "We just gonna grab the paint and be outta here!"

Lisa and Kendl watched as the foursome walked out of the garage door.

"You know, Kendl," Lisa sighed. "Sometimes, I worry about those guys. They really do care, but they always get themselves into some precarious bullshit!"

"I know, Lisa," Kendl agreed. "But they still our family. And we counting on them to make it work."

"You're right," Lisa replied. "I hope Sean is still okay in there."

"He'll be fine," Kendl said. "We trying real hard to bail his ass out of there."

As the four friends headed outside, they hopped into a parked Washington. CJ started the engine and drove onto the road.

"Man, this is serious business," CJ said.

"Damn straight!" LB added. "I can't wait to start working on this shit. It's gonna be a helluva job well done!"

"I'll say," Cesar said. "I'm looking forward on the designing."

"I thought I'd come up with a name for the newly-designed garage," Ryder replied as CJ drove onto the freeway up ahead. "I was thinking about something like "The Grove Getaway Garage".

"Naw, too plain," LB said. "Maybe something like "The Horror Depot".

"We're designing a garage, holmes," Cesar told him, "not a horror house. How about "La Casa del Coche"?

"Nigga, that's just a plain name in Spanish," Ryder told him. "You gotta be more creative than that."

"A'ight, listen, fellas," CJ told them as he reached the end of the freeway and made it to Whetstone. "We got the whole month to come up with a good name for the garage. Right now, let's just think about getting the material to design the place."

"A'ight then," Ryder agreed. "But if we don't come up with something good, we just gonna stick to my idea."

CJ continued driving through Whetstone and turned right onto the bridge up ahead. He drove straight across and came across a few hairpin turns when driving through the mountainsides. The place looked rather colorful and vivid, as the sky was now beaming with orange and red colors. The leaves that fell from most of the trees inundated around the roads. The vehicles driving through them crunched the leaves as they rode.

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