Chapter 61: Mike Toreno

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As CJ entered the club, he spotted Jizzy talking to T-Bone.

"T-Bone!" the pimp told the Latino. "Pump your brakes, baby. Take a chill pill, and just lay back and let the red mist fall, brother!"

"Hey, holmes," T-Bone snapped, "open your eyes, dog. Can't you see we're getting messed with here, holmes?"

When Carl entered in the conversation, Jizzy rapidly jumped off his feet.

"Hey, partner!" he told T-Bone rapidly, "T-Bone, look, it's Carl! Now he's a real hero out there."

He gave CJ a quick handshake.

"See?" he told T-Bone. "We still good."

"What, are you vatos stupid?" T-Bone asked. "Someone's onto us. We need to go back and rethink."

"I think they was just trying their luck," CJ chimed in.

Just then, T-Bone's cellphone rang. He pulled it out of his pocket to answer it.

"Mike?" T-Bone answered. "Mike! I been trying to contact you. What? Oh man. Where are you? OK, just keep talking!"

T-Bone turned to CJ and Jizzy. "Hey, holmes, Mike's in trouble," he announced. "Let's bounce."

T-Bone then hung up and stored his phone back inside his pocket.

"What trouble?" CJ asked. "And who's Mike?"

"Man, they've taken the yay shipment, and the van and Mike's still in the back!" T-Bone announced.

"Well, what we going to do?" Jizzy asked. "How the fuck we gonna know where he is?"

"He's got his phone," T-Bone added. "He's gonna talk to us until his battery runs out. Come on, we gotta bounce!"

"A'ight, let's jet!" Jizzy agreed, and they headed to the door.

While Jizzy stood and watched, CJ and T-Bone hopped into a nearby blue car.

"Gotta make this quick!" T-Bone announced as CJ started the engine. "Mike doesn't got much time on his battery left. He says he can hear seagulls. Mike can hear gulls."

"Seagulls?" CJ asked as he drove to the rode. "Shit, that could be anywhere in this town."

"He can hear heavy machinery," T-Bone added.

"Seagulls and heavy machinery?" CJ asked. "What is that? A building site or landfill or something?"

"There's a building site in Doherty," T-Bone responded.

CJ continued driving through Juniper Hollow and pass Colton Heights.

"Hey, just hang in there, Mike!" T-Bone said through the phone as CJ drove through Esplanade North. "Help is on the way."

CJ drove through Downtown and pass Easter Basin. But by the time he got to Doherty, the van was nowhere in sight.

"He says he can hear a truck reversing," T-Bone mentioned. "He says it's busy like a freight depot or something."

"Freight?" CJ asked. "Aww, they must be down at the docks!"

"Get to the docks in the Easter Basin!" T-Bone announced.

So CJ drove down the street and made a left turn on Easter Basin, where they approached the docks

"Hey, well be there in a minute, Mike," T-Bone said through the phone. "Shit, he says they stopped, then he heard gunfire. He thinks they just shot their way through a security gate!"

"They don't have heavy security at the docks," CJ replied. "But they do at the airport's freight depot."

"To the airport, rapido!" T-Bone announced.

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