Chapter 48: Air Raid

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CJ drove through Garcia to find the Zero RC shop to his left. He parked his vehicle on the side of the road, grabbed his cup of orange juice, and hopped out. With enough money to pay for the property, he stepped into the shop and looked around.

"Yo Zero!" CJ called. "Zero! You in here?"

No reply.

CJ looked around the shop while sipping his orange juice.

"Zero!" he called. "Where you at?!"


CJ checked in the backroom to search for the nerd. No sign of him.

Damn! he thought. Where he at?

CJ left the backroom and headed to the front door. But he stopped when he saw the deed on the counter.

This must be the deed Zero wanted me to sign, he thought.

So CJ picked up the pen next to the deed and signed it. He also pulled the money out of his pocket and left $30,000 on the counter. He figured he'd come back later. He did, however, wanted to find somewhere in which he could kill some time before returning. So he hopped inside his car and drove through the city once again. He searched for a place around town to spend some time in. As he drove through Garcia, he spotted a gym up ahead. CJ parked in front of the building and studied his slim physique.

"Maybe I could start my day with an hour and a half workout," he said to himself.

He hopped out of his car and walked inside the gym. Inside, it was replete with a dumbbell set, a treadmill, red and green flags hung on the walls, and a blue and red mat on the center of the gym, in which several citizens were practicing some martial arts moves.

"Ah, yeah," CJ exclaimed. "Time to get to work!"

CJ started on the treadmill. He wanted to start on the cardiovascular workout first so he would become more flexible when lifting weights. After twenty minutes, he went to the dumbbells. He did many bicep curls, tricep exercises, and shoulder presses. He also got to work on the bench pressing.

After working out for one hour, CJ decided to take a ten minute break and decided to train with the other fighters.

"So, you wish to become a warrior," one of the fighters told him in a Chinese accent. He was obviously the instructor.

"For sho', bruh," CJ answered.

"Okay," the instructor demanded. "Show me what you got!"

CJ just stood there, confused as to what to do. He had no experience in martial arts, and he only made a casual martial arts pose. The instructor then came at CJ and performed his moves on him. CJ didn't get time to recover. Every time, he was kicked and karate chopped down to the ground. He felt embarrassed at this point.

Beaten by an old ass man, CJ thought. I'd rather have Catalina point the gat to my head.

"One rule of training, young one," the instructor told him. "Always have resilience."

So CJ got up and shook it off.

"Absorb with the eyes, young student, and you will learn!" the instructor told CJ.

He first showed CJ how to attack someone while running to them.

"Strike like an atomic cobra!" the instructor shouted.

The second thing he showed CJ was how to attack someone when down on the ground.

"Nothing clever here," he declared. "Just kick them while their down."

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