Chapter 63: Snail Trail

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CJ woke up the next morning and stared at his clock. It was 9:30 AM. CJ had done so much work that he had been sleeping late. But it was all worth it.

CJ felt that this was the right time to head to the garage in Doherty. So he dressed up in a black hoodie over baggy denim pants and blue sneakers. He went into the kitchen and made a peanut butter banana sandwich.

After he ate, CJ walked out of the front door and headed to the garage down the street.

As soon as he made his way inside the garage, he spotted Jethro working under the vehicle.

"Hey, CJ, whassup?" Jethro greeted, sliding his head from under the vehicle.

"Hey, whassup, Jethro?" CJ greeted back.

"Some cops are looking for you in the office, man, " Jethro informed.

"Cops?" CJ asked. He took a look in the office to find Officer Tenpenny and Pulaski inside.

"Tenpenny," he muttered. "Alright, man. I got it."

CJ walked inside the office and confronted the two corrupt officers. They were both sitting in each chair. Pulaski was reading a newspaper.

"Nice to see y'all kicking back," CJ uttered, walking in the office as the cops noticed him.

"I wonder how your brother's sleeping," Pulaski replied, hopping out of his chair. "Curled up next to his shower daddy while you live comfortably on the outside?"

CJ really wanted to punch Pulaski in his face at the moment. But he knew exactly what the corrupt officers promised if he dare took vindictive action. So he kept himself together.

"Man, what y'all want this time?" CJ groaned.

"Well, what we want is to get on with our jobs in peace," Tenpenny responded, slowly climbing back on his feet and walking towards CJ. "Without some damn bleeding heart liberal poking his nose into affairs he won't even understand."

"The press onto y'all?" CJ asked facetiously.

"What the hell would you know about it, boy?!" Pulaski snapped.

"Whoa, easy there, Eddie," Tenpenny demanded. "Let's not get ahead of ourselves." He then turned to CJ. "Some young journalist out there is trying to get a name for himself."

"He doesn't know how the streets work," Pulaski snarled, "that he's supposed to report what he's supposed to report!"

"Yeah, anyway, we need you to shut him up for us," Tenpenny told CJ.

"And that stoolie - shut him up too!" Pulaski added vociferously.

"Yeah, there's some reporter who's digging up dirt on Pulaski," Tenpenny informed. "We don't know who's talking, but we know the reporter's meeting him today."

"Take care of him," Pulaski added as he handed CJ the paper, and he and Tenpenny began to leave the office.

"Oh, this is a nice place... Carl," Tenpenny sneered, looking around the garage.

CJ just watched as the two cops left. He remembered that he had a sniper rifle stored in the construction site. So he went into the site and swiped the weapon from inside the concrete pipes. This would be the best weapon to ice the reporter and the journalist.

He looked across the street at the Cranberry train station just in time to see the reporter boarding on. CJ spotted a Sanchez motorcycle parked at the construction site. So as soon as he saw the train leaving, he hopped onto the motorcycle and sped for the train. He followed it through the tracks, trying to keep his speed steady. The cool wind blew wildly through his face. He thought about Big Smoke, how he had to drive the motorcycle closer to the train to give Smoke closer to kill the Vagos on top of the train.

Man, that fat fuck! CJ thought. If I could just get my hands on that backstabbing asshole! What happened to you, Smoke?!

CJ followed the train through the Badlands, narrowly avoiding the two oncoming trains parallel to the other track. He came across the tunnel and finally came across the Market Station. He was right back in Los Santos. CJ hid stealthily behind a pillar and watched as the reporter exited the train and headed over to the stairs.

CJ hopped off the Sanchez and walked it as if it were a bicycle slowly up the stair. The vehicle felt heavy around his wrists, and he was having a difficult time getting it up the steps. By the time CJ finally made it to the top, he saw the reporter hop inside a taxi cab and drive off. CJ knew he still had to keep his distance. So he slowly followed the taxi cab as it rode through the streets of Los Santos.

It has been days since he's last been in Los Santos now, and CJ had found that it still hasn't gotten any better since he and Ryder were put in exile in the Badlands. He continued following the taxi cab until it finally reached the pier in Santa Maria. But CJ still kept his distance. He hopped out of the vehicle and aimed his sniper rifle to the journalist and reporter. He zoomed in for a closer shot, aimed at the reporter, and pulled the trigger, killing the reporter. The journalist then looked up and turned to run away, only for CJ to kill him as well.

Looks like my work here is done, CJ thought. He hopped onto his Sanchez and turned to ride away. His own hometown was now in danger. He couldn't bear to see the sight of the Ballas now taking over every territory. So CJ decided to take the train back to Los Santos. He rode all the way to the Market Station and hopped right onto the oncoming train right before it finally sped away.

By the time the train reached San Fierro, CJ hopped off and rode back to his apartment. As soon as he got inside, he entered the bedroom, sat on the edge of the bed, and took a second to think. It was only 10:00 AM, and he still needed to figure out a way to take on the Loco Syndicate once and for all. Luckily, he heard his phone ring just in time. No one answered, but CJ discovered that he had a message waiting for him. It was Woozie.

"Hey Carl, it's Woozie,"  Woozie said over the voice message. "If you come across this message, I'm here to tell you that now that the Da Nang Boys are finally off our backs, it's about time to deal with the Loco Syndicate. You'll need to grab the phone from Jizzy. He called his inner circle to a meeting at the Pleasure Domes, "private party" if you will. Get there whenever you can."

CJ hung up the phone and hopped back onto his feet.

Looks like it time to get the job done today! CJ thought. He exited the room and dashed out of the front door.

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