Chapter 10: Sweet's Girl

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After spending hours on playing the video game titled They Crawled From Uranus, CJ decided to get something to eat from the kitchen. He searched for the fridge and found some string cheese. CJ liked string cheese since he was only six years old. His mother always used to pack string cheese for him with his lunch before he would go to school.

He took out a piece of string cheese and a gallon of milk, searched in the cabinet for a cup, got some crackers from the bottom cabinet, and poured the milk into the cup he set on the counter. He stored the milk inside the refrigerator and took his food to the table.

As he sat at the table, CJ reminisced on how his family hung out at the table during dinner having various conversations. He really missed his mother badly and wished she was still around.

After finishing his meal, CJ went into the kitchen and tossed his cup into the sink. He walked outside and looked around. It was a nice, sunny afternoon. The clouds in the sky receded around the sun, causing the shadows to suddenly appear on the streets and sidewalks.

It was a nice day outside, and it was indeed the perfect time for CJ and the rest of the Grove Street to go for another drive-by in the Ballas territory. So CJ walked over to Sweet's house and knocked on the door.

No answer.

CJ saw that the door was unlocked and entered Sweet's house. He looked around to find that no one was around.

"Sweet?" he called as he walked through the hallway. "Smoke?"

He arrived in the living room and saw that there was nobody there.

"Shit, where are all the homies at?" CJ asked himself. He looked around the kitchen to see that there were still no one to be seen.

"Fuck they at?" he asked under his breath. "Damn! Fuck it!"

So CJ just walked outside of Sweet's house and looked around when he heard his cellphone ring. CJ pulled it out of his pocket to answer it.

"Eh," CJ answered.

"Carl!" he heard Sweet answer. "No time to chit-chat!"

Sweet was hanging at the neighborhood of Playa del Seville crouching behind the guardrails of the house while using the cars for cover as the Seville gang members were shooting at him and another woman by his side. "Been seeing a Seville Families bia. Word got out on the street and the boys don't like it. I'm pinned down in the Seville 'hood, and we need a ride out of here, pronto!"

"Oh for sure, man," CJ told him. "Hang in there!"

"Drive by Emmet's and get heated," Sweet answered as he hung up the phone right before taking out one of the Seville gang members.

So CJ hung up the phone and stored it inside his pocket. It was crazy how the Seville and Temple Drive have now split their separate ways and started beefing with each other.

Without another word, CJ went to the garage and grabbed his bicycle. He hopped on and cycled away. While riding through Willowfield, he went through the alleyway and grabbed a pistol on top of the storage.  Emmet was hanging out in the alley.

"Hey Emmet!" CJ called to the old man.

"Carl," Emmet said. "Good to see you again, boy. What can I do for you?"

"I need to pack some heat," CJ told him. "My brother is in it with Seville over at Playa del Seville."

"Still beefing, huh?" Emmet asked. "I know that feeling. The old gang is just blasting at each other."

"I don't get it," CJ said. "How'd Seville start beefing with Temple and stop hanging out with Grove?"

"It all started last year," Emmet told him. "Your brother and friends had been in exile thanks to the loan shark he paid back. Then before we all knew it, someone from Temple had taken a whiff at the crack that another member of Seville had been manipulated to taking and they each started blaming each other for it. It turns out someone started selling on Temple's turf and they blamed Seville for it, thus instigating the gratuitous war between the two gangs and no longer down with the Grove."

"So all of this was started because someone was selling in Temple's turf?" CJ asked.

"That's right, boy," Emmet told him. "One thing you got to know, boy, is that drugs can have an adverse effect on anyone. It takes a real man to defend his neighborhood from danger. I still have faith in you, boy. I know you're here to make up for your past mistakes. You can't change the past, but you can fix what you broken. Don't live in despair. Just do better in the future."

"Thanks, Emmet," CJ told him. "You're like a father to me."

"No problem, Carl," Emmet told him. "Now go out there and help your brother, boy. He's depending on you."

"Sure thing," CJ said as he turned to leave, waving to Emmet in the process.

After grabbing the pistol, CJ rode his bicycle and to the neighborhood of Playa del Seville, where he spotted the Seville members trying to shoot at him. CJ took all of them out with the pistol he grabbed from Emmet's spot and got a call from Sweet.

"That's my brother," Sweet cheered through the cellphone. "Get a car, we'll meet you at front!"

So CJ got into a Greenwood parked in front of the street and saw Sweet and his girl, a beautiful, dark-skinned woman with box braids wearing a black dress, coming out from behind the buildings. They found CJ inside the vehicle and hopped inside, only for them to learn that more members of the Seville family chasing them by cars.

"Seville Families on our case, nigga!" Sweet urged.

So CJ quickly stomped on the gas and sped away, with the Seville families dashing from behind.

"Don't worry, girl," Sweet told his woman. "I don't drive as bad as CJ."

"Green blasting on green ain't no way to run the Families," CJ said as he continued driving.

"Seville's trying to start a war or something," Sweet replied.

"This is too much," CJ complained. "Shit's crazy, bro. We gotta get the homies back together."

Finally, CJ made it back to Ganton and pulled up right in front of Sweet's house. The three hopped out of the vehicle.

"I'll see you inside, baby," Sweet told his woman as he slapped her rear end. The woman began walking inside Sweet's house and turned to CJ. "Man, this set tripping is killing the Families," Sweet told CJ. "You did good back there!"

"Hey, I'm a Johnson boy!" CJ told his brother, giving him a handshake.

"Hey, I got unfinished business," Sweet told CJ. "Big love."

CJ watched as Sweet walked back inside his house. As he made his way back inside his mother's house, he looked around, thinking about how he could finally bring his families back together. The fact that Seville was now against Grove Street Families and beefing with Temple Drive only exacerbated the gang's downfall. He had to think of a way to reunite them. But first, he decided to take a break for a while. It was a long day for him, and it was time to take some time off. So he walked over down the street and decided to hit the gym some more.

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