Chapter 26: Just Business

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CJ arrived at Big Smoke's house to find his vehicle parked inside the garage, Biz Markie's "Vapors" playing in the background. So CJ headed to the side door and knocked on it.

"Hey, CJ, baby, whassup man?" Big Smoke hopped out from behind the vehicle in the garage and called out.

"What's happening, Smoke?" CJ greeted.

"Chillin'," Big Smoke responded. "Wanna go for a ride?"

"Yeah," CJ answered.

"You drive," Big Smoke told him.

"Alright," CJ said as he hopped into the driver's seat.

"We're going downtown," Big Smoke told him as he entered the passenger's seat.

CJ started the vehicle's engine and turned to the right. He drove straight down and made another right.

"This bet not be another cop errand, man," CJ told Big Smoke, reminding him of Tenpenny and Pulaski's frequent visits.

"Nah, man," Big Smoke protested as CJ drove through Commerce. "This is strictly for the homies. I gotta be honest with you, CJ. We could be getting' into some heavy shit, baby."

"What you into, Smoke?" CJ asked, sounding suspicious.

"Lot of shit 'bout to go down, Carl," Big Smoke responded. "Families coming back, Ballas pushing base, Russian cats with nothin' to lose about to bust some ass."

"Russians?" CJ asked.

"Now," Big Smoke started to explain, "all my life, I been told to fear Ruskies, but I ain't never even met one. Then, the wall comes down and we're all supposed to be friends. Five minutes later, my cousin gets laid out by some Ruskie fresh off the boat.

"For real?" CJ asked.

"For real!" Big Smoke answered as CJ finally pulled up in front of the Atrium.

The two hopped out of the car and walked over to the Atrium and suddenly stopped midway in front of the entrance.

"Look Carl," Big Smoke told CJ, "before I walk in there, I just need to know you down with this shit, man."

"Look, Smoke," CJ replied, "we go way back. We Groves, man!"

"That's what I'm talking about," Big Smoke said, giving CJ a high five. "That's my dog! Hey look, if you hear shit start to pop off, come in there blasting, a'ight?"

"I'm down, dog," CJ said as Big Smoke headed for the exit.

He then turned to the left to see a beautiful young woman wearing a white dress sitting at the table outside. "Hey, baby," CJ told her. "Want company?"

"Motherfuckers!" he suddenly heard Big Smoke shout out from inside the building.

CJ didn't have time to talk to the woman. He rushed into the building to meet up with Big Smoke. He saw that the Russians had ambushed the buildings, and Big Smoke was crouching behind the pillars. CJ crouched beside him.

"CJ, get in here - oh there you are!" Big Smoke said as he turned just in time to see CJ. "Use some cover, they're blasting like fools in this motherfucker! Ice those fools, CJ!"

"Big Smoke, you made big mistake!" one of the Russians shouted out.

CJ just pulled out his machine gun and fired at each of the Russian gangsters. He killed each and every one of them one by one.

"Watch yourself, CJ, I think they're pissed!" Big Smoke warned vociferously. "CJ, take the right and cover my ass! Keep it up baby! That's my dog, makin' y'all pay!"

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