Chapter 104: Up, Up and Away

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By this time, night was almost falling, and CJ was right back into the planning room with his crew. Woozie was sitting at the table while Zero, the custodian, and the rest of the Triads were circled around.

"OK, we got the bikes," CJ announced. "And Woozie's taken care of the uniforms. Now, we just gotta get an armored van and re-spray it with the Caligula's Casino logo."

"Why don't we steal one while it's on its rounds?" Woozie asked. "That way we can make some money too."

"No," CJ disagreed. "I don't want to get the crew caught up in some street level jacking - it could get ugly."

"I... I have an idea?" Zero chimed in hesitantly, raising his hand. "Um... Have you ever seen those helicopters they use to lift heavy loads?"

"Yeah, they call em 'sky cranes'," Guppy replied. "We could lift the whole truck and take them to someplace safe."

"Then we need to steal a sky crane," Woozie answered. "Unfortunately, I'm not a pilot."

"No, me neither," Zero groaned.

"Hey, don't look at me," one of the Triads protested.

"Or me," Guppy replied.

CJ just looked around. "Shit," he muttered. "I'll fly it, then. We can respray it at the airstrip." He headed for the exit.

"Yeah, Carl," Zero chimed in. "It'll be just like fighting Berkley, only bigger!"

"Yeah, thanks for that," CJ told him.

As he walked outside, he saw that the bright lights had already been lightened around the streets. The sky was now a dark purple and red. The sun had just set.

CJ needed to somehow steal a helicopter from a fuel dump without being taken out. So he grabbed a vehicle parked outside of The Strip and drove north up the street. As he rode through the Emerald Isle, he made a right turn on Julius Thruway North and drove straight down.

He then made a left turn on Roco Escalante and drove straight ahead until he finally made it to the fuel dump in Spinybed called K.A.C.C. Military Fuels.

CJ had to make his way through the soldiers. There, they brought back his memory from about two months ago. They reminded him of the Weekend Soldiers. The ones that he and Ryder tried to take on while trying to rob them of their weapons. These soldiers on the other hand were armed with assault rifles. He knew that getting past the soldiers inside was going to be tough. So before he hopped out of the car, he grabbed a sniper rifle from the back and hopped out of the vehicle.

He used the sniper rifle to surreptitiously cap a couple of soldiers inside the gates and made his way through the fuel dump. He crept behind some walls and bushes and searched for any more military soldiers.

He saw most of them dispersing around the area and shot each of them one by one.

When he saw that there were no more soldiers stirring around the dump, CJ stealthily crept up to the entrance of the compound. Cognizant of what would come to him, CJ used the sniper rifle to view the inside, where he saw a bunch of freight containers inside and the soldiers pacing the bottom and the overhead walkway. He used the weapon to take each of them out one by one, from the overhead walkway and from the bottom.

CJ silently crept to the entrance and ducked behind the freight containers to see if there were more of the soldiers around. There were still some looking around from behind boxes. So CJ used the containers as cover and shot each and every one of them with his sniper rifle. As each soldier was now down, CJ slowly crept from behind the containers to look around. He saw that there was no one else left.

So taking a look around to make sure, he slowly penetrated through the building and headed on the other end, where he saw a soldier up ahead. CJ took out his assault rifle and gunned down the soldier. He made his way to the steps leading to the helipad, where he gunned down two more soldiers as he finally made his way on there.

Unfortunately, by the time CJ made it on the roof, he saw that the remaining soldiers have sent two Hunters attempting to take him out. CJ looked ahead and saw a gun emplacement by the railing up ahead. So he ran to the weapon and carefully aimed at the hovering vehicles up above. CJ fired as many bullets as he could until they both caught fire and eventually plummeted down to the ground.

With the soldiers and Hunters out of his way, CJ continued to scale the top of the helipad and saw a white Leviathan resting on top.

Yeah, this is it! CJ thought. I'll use this to bring the van to the air strip.

So CJ hopped inside the helicopter and started the engine. After a few seconds, he slowly hoisted the helicopter up in the air and descended forward over the city. While accelerating, CJ searched for the depot around and finally came across the place, where he spotted a purple minivan parked inside up ahead.

CJ slowly hovered over the depot and used the magnet on the bottom of the helicopter to adhere onto the van. As the magnet was now attached to the van, CJ slowly hoisted the helicopter up in the air and flew to the west side of Las Venturas.

He flew above the city to view the bright lights inundated around the town. The lights gradually began to disappear as he flew towards the desert area. It was now a dark purplish blue in the nocturnal sky. CJ saw the mountains up ahead and he knew he was getting closer. So as he finally made it to Verdant Meadows, He slowly lowered the van down onto the ground and gently parked the helicopter in the indicated zone.

CJ exited the helicopter as the propeller slowly stopped spinning, and he saw Guppy up ahead.

"Heeey, CJ!" Guppy called out. "You never cease to amaze me!"

CJ just chuckled. "Good lookin'," he replied. "Where's Woozie?"

"I don't know," Guppy shrugged. "He insisted on driving here himself. He could be anywhere."

CJ just chuckled again. He would never contemplate the fact that Woozie would drive in Verdant Meadows on his own. But then again, he was the one who raced with CJ over a month ago. "Yeah I guess," he said. "Alright dude, I'm outta here. I'll see y'all later."

Later, it was now 11:40 PM, and CJ had returned inside the Four Dragons Casino to meet up with Woozie and the other Triad members in the office.

"Mr. Ran Fa Li," Woozie called as Ran Fa Li and CJ entered inside, with the former uttering a loud grunt in response.

"Gentlemen," Woozie started to say as he slid a sheet of paper down the table. "Can I have your marks please?"

The paper was a document for CJ and the other Triad members to sign in order to claim their co-ownership of the Four Dragons Casino. So Ran Fa Li and CJ each signed their names on the document.

Woozie stared at them. "Gentlemen!" he announced offering the two a drink each. "Or shall I say 'partners'?"

"Oh, I'll drink to that," CJ replied as he and the other two made a cheers gesture right before they began drinking their beverages.

So CJ had now became the co-owner of the Four Dragons Casino. He now owned Zero's RC Shop, Wang Cars, The Art of Automobiles, and now the Four Dragons Casino. He couldn't wait to perform his heist at Caligula's Casino. Soon, he would get real close to bailing Sweet out of jail to show his brother all the hard work he did to move up. He couldn't wait to show Sweet his new allies too.

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