Chapter 64: Ice Cold Killa

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CJ ran down the street and right back inside the garage. He searched inside the trunk of a parked car frantically.

"Damn!" he hollered. "Where'd I put it?! Where the hell did I put it?! Shit!"

"Hey holmes," Cesar called, approaching CJ. "You OK?"

"Yeah," CJ replied. "Woozie left a message, say I gotta go get Jizzy's phone after he made the call! Then I can ambush the meet and take down those Balla Pushers from Los Santos!"

"Hey homie, you want me to roll with you?" Cesar asked.

"No," CJ responded. "This a one-man job. I gotta stay real low key. I was thinking about welding some shit together, and making me a silencer!"

Cesar just laughed. "You're fucking crazy, holmes! You gotta get out of this ghetto mentality!"

"So what you thinking?" CJ sneered, staring at Cesar.

"Let me show you," Cesar said, motioning to the tool trolley. He bent over and pulled a silencer from inside. He handed the weapon to CJ. "Check this out, holmes."

Cesar placed the weapon in CJ's hands. "Here, take mine," Cesar told CJ calmly.

"Where'd you get that?" CJ asked, staring at the weapon.

"Same place I buy my pants, holmes," Cesar responded facetiously. "This is America."

CJ didn't say another word. He just hopped onto a nearby Sanchez and rode down the street. Through Downtown, it was rather quiet. Hardly any cars were around. Many pedestrians were fewer and far behind. The whole city was surprisingly peaceful.

CJ had a nice ride. The cool wind blew through his face. His clothes fluttered across his skin. As he drove through Juniper Hollow street, he finally made his way to the Pleasure Domes club. He parked his vehicle in the parking area and hopped off, but as he walked to the entrance, he was blocked off by the bouncers.

"Yo, whassup?" CJ greeted. "It's the C to the J, homie!"

"You ain't getting in," one of the bouncers uttered.

"What you mean?" CJ asked. "Me and Jizzy tight together. Why you ain't letting me in?"

"This is a private party," the other bouncer told him. "Jizzy doesn't allow guests."

When CJ found a skylight on the other side of the building, he decided to just comply.

"A'ight then," he answered, walking away. "I'll let the pimp do his thang."

He then sneaked behind Jizzy's pimpmobile and used his knife to flatten both tires. Afterwards, he headed to the skylight and scaled the top. By the time he headed to the top, he jumped over the railing and landed on top of the roof. He got through the window and crawled inside the club. He stealthily moved through the catwalk and made his way on the top floor. He climbed down the stairs to find Jizzy lounging on the sofa with a few hookers, one of them on his shoulder.

"Gimme some room!" Jizzy demanded. "Gimme some room bitch!" He then shoved the blonde hooker off of him and hopped onto his feet. "It's that time of the week again...your provider is about to make that special call. If I think for a moment that one of you hos is hustling me..." He demonstrated by using the decapitation gesture to delineate the execution sign.

"You better make a bigger cut this week Jizz," Bettina, the blonde hooker, ordered as Jizzy turned his back to made a phone call. "We're running low, honey!"

"Shut up bitch!" Jizzy snapped. "I'm handling business!"

"Don't you even raise your voice at me, asshole!" Bettina shouted, getting in the pimp's face.

"Now shut up, bitch!" Jizzy snarled, shoving the hooker backwards. "Your funky ass..."

"What a dick!" Bettina grumbled and turned around to leave. Jizzy looked up just in time to see CJ arriving.

"Hey Jizzy, I need to holler at you," CJ told the pimp.

"Well talk, then, friend," Jizzy said gleefully. "I mean, that's we'll ever do. A kind word here, a wise saying there. Shit, I'm a walking book of proverbs."

"No, you fucked up, man!" CJ barked, pulling out his pistol at the now apprehensive pimp.

"C...C'mon, man," Jizzy stammered, slowly backing sideways. "Hey, I get it wrong, you know? I'm imperfect. You know, like...hey. Not a kind man. Not a wise man, you know. Not a smart man, but. Dear Lord, I tried!"

"No, you fucked up when you trusted me, playa," CJ replied, closing in on the cowardly pimp.

"C'mon, baby...I...I...But...But..." Jizzy stammered in a pleading tone of voice.

CJ then grabbed the pimp by the collar. "You ass-selling, yay pushing, piece of shit trash!" he snapped. He shoved the pimp backwards onto the sofa and aimed his weapon at him, preparing to do him in.

"Oh, lord!" Jizzy moaned. "Whatchoo all waiting on, huh? Somebody cap this nigga, man!"

As the guards attempted to attack CJ, the latter quickly took cover and hopped behind the pillar. The guards attempted the shoot him, but CJ was too quick for them. He rolled around on the floor and killed both of them. When he found that Jizzy was nowhere to be seen, he dashed to the door just in time to watch Jizzy attempt to leave in his pimpmobile.

As Jizzy attempted to ride away, his vehicle went out of control. This gave CJ the perfect opportunity to grab another vehicle and ride it to chase after Jizzy. He started ramming the car.

"Hay, I thought we was friends!" Jizzy cried out, begging for mercy. "We can talk about this, playa!"

CJ refused to listen to the pimp's pleas. He continued ramming the pimpmobile until it finally crashed into a wall and became completely totaled. Jizzy later exited the now-destroyed vehicle and ran away.

CJ spotted him dashing and chased after the pimp. He pulled out his pistol and shot Jizzy once in the back and three times in the head, causing the pimp to fall forward to the ground.

CJ decided to just slowly walk over to the now-injured pimp, who was coughing and wheezing in pain. He reached inside the pimp's pocket and grabbed the cellphone, which was ringing. CJ answered it.

"Hey, Jizzy!" he heard T-Bone growl over the phone. "The Rifa and Ballas are at the pier, holmes! Get your ass over here if you want the cut, puto! I repeat! Pier 69! What the fuck, pendejo?! Are you even listening to me?!"

CJ just hung up the phone and punched in Cesar's number.

"Eh, Cesar," CJ answered.

"Hey, dude," Cesar said over the phone. "Whassup?"

"I need you to meet me at Pier 69," CJ explained. "We're gonna take down the Loco Syndicate!"

"OK holmes," Cesar replied. "You gonna need some backup?"

"No, man," CJ responded. "I got it covered."

CJ hung up the phone. As he saw that Jizzy had slowly passed away from his wounds, he just knew he was on a serious mission now. It was now time to bring down the Loco Syndicate once and for all. He hopped inside his vehicle and drove down the street through Juniper Hollow.

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