Chapter 121: Family Reunion

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As CJ walked around the streets, he saw that everyone was still out of control on the streets. Pedestrians were even using flamethrowers to spread around the streets and kill everyone else. Even the National guards were harassing them. CJ just shook his head in disbelief. He walked down the street and made his way to Playa del Seville, where he saw LB resting right next to the front door of one of the houses of the street.

"Yo what's up, CJ?" LB said, giving CJ a high five.

"What's happenin', LB?" CJ greeted back. "So what's up with you?"

"Seville and Temple still beefin' because that meeting that you, Sweet, and the other guys implemented got disrupted by the LSPD that time," LB answered. "We gotta get them back together once and for all! It don't make sense to have green against green! That ain't how it go down!"

"Well how you suppose we do that?" CJ asked. "If we couldn't get them together with the LSPD on our tail, how you expect us to get it done through this damn riot?"

"By picking a spot that's more clandestine," LB answered. "Somewhere this goddamn riot can't interfere, especially the LSPD."

"Okay," CJ agreed. "So where can we have this reunion at?"

"I'll tell ya," LB said, "but it's gonna be tough."

"Okay, man," CJ said. "Where at?"

"Over at the underground of Storm Drain," LB finally answered.

"In the sewers?!" CJ asked, making a disgusted face.

"We can let nobody know about this meeting, CJ," LB told him. "Gotta keep it underground. Know what I'm sayin'?"

"Nice pun, man," CJ muttered caustically. "Well if it means getting Seville and Temple together again to affiliate with the Grove again, there ain't much of a choice I have. I'm down!"

"Cool," LB said, giving CJ a handshake. "We gotta round up the gang and start the meeting. I'll start with Seville here, you go get Temple Drive over at Temple. We cannot let them know that they're meeting each other underground in the sewer. Because they'll just refuse instantly."

"A'ight, LB," CJ told him. "I'll roll over to Temple to round up the gang."

CJ walked through the chaotic streets of Los Santos. The pedestrians were now beaten by the cops and soldiers. Some of them were even smashed over the head with televisions. CJ looked around to find a vehicle. But reconsidered the decision when he saw that most of the vehicles the other pedestrians were driving were catching on fire and eventually exploded. CJ quickly ran through the streets as fast as he could to get back to his street on Grove Street.

By the time he finally got to the Grove Street, he was panting hard and almost out of breath. He hopped inside Sweet's Greenwood and drove away. As he cruised through Idlewood and Commerce, he saw that pedestrians were even throwing heavy material such as lamps and house phones to windows of the buildings. Stores were even burning as well.

While driving, CJ crossed his fingers and prayed that Temple and Seville will settle their differences and reunite, thus bringing them back to affiliate with Grove Street again. CJ then saw that everyone was throwing grenades at the police on Market. He paid them no mind and continued driving through the riotous city until he finally made it to Temple. There they were right ahead: the Temple Drive Families.

Man, I hope this works! CJ thought, crossing his fingers.

He pulled over to the curb and hopped out of the vehicle. He walked over to the members, who pointed their weapons at CJ the minute they saw him.

"Hey what you want, fool?!" one of the members asked.

CJ came to a stop and casually faced them. "Look," he told them calmly, "I'm just here to make peace, is all."

Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas (Rewrite)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora