Chapter 109: High Noon

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CJ waited for about two hours for the C.R.A.S.H. team in Las Brujas. The sun had now set, and night had fallen above the desert. CJ was wondering where the police officers were and why it was taking them so long. Just as he attempted to leave, an LSPD convoy car finally arrived. Pulaski stepped out first in front of CJ as Hernandez pulled a gun at him, and Tenpenny strolled to the trunk searching for something.

"Carl!" Pulaski said shutting the door behind him. "Hope we didn't keep you waiting, holmes!"

"Nah, I was just chillin'," CJ replied.

"Ha, I bet you were," Pulaski said. "That the dossier? Hand it over."

"Hey, everything cool now?" CJ asked as he handed Pulaski the dossier.

"I don't know, Carl," Tenpenny replied, pulling a shovel out of the trunk. "Eddie?"

"Our boy's done good!" Pulaski announced.

All of a sudden, Tenpenny swung the shovel towards the unscrupulous Hernandez and knocked him out cold. Hernandez lay unconscious on the ground.

"YOU SNITCH PIECE OF SHIT!" Tenpenny shouted at the unconscious officer. "YOU VATO ASSHOLE! YOU SOLD US OUT!"

He gave him another smack across the face with the shovel, bruising his eye in the process.

CJ just watched in shock. Looks like Tenpenny and Pulaski found out about Hernandez's scheme, he thought.

Tenpenny walked over to CJ. "Time to dig, Carl," he told CJ, handing him the shovel. He then turned to Pulaski "You, take care of things," he told his partner, and he turned to leave.

"Whuh - where you going?" Pulaski asked, bewildered.

"To get drunk and get laid," Tenpenny responded sternly. "You got a problem with that?"

"No, Frank," Pulaski replied, sounding slightly intimidated. "Relax."

"Good," Tenpenny said, hopping inside the LSPD police car. "I'll see you back at the precinct." He then turned to CJ after sitting in the car. "And I'll see YOU in your next life, Carl," he told CJ as he started the engine, and sped away.

With Tenpenny now gone, Pulaski was around supervising CJ. The latter was being held at gunpoint by the officer while digging a grave for himself and the unconscious Hernandez. It had been hours since CJ had started digging. His arms were beginning to ache, and he managed to make the hole four feet deep. CJ stared at his watch. It was now 11:54 PM.

"All right, that's good," Pulaski told CJ. "That's deep enough for two."

CJ had to convince Pulaski that Tenpenny was only using him as his lapdog. Considering that Tenpenny was willing to leave Pulaski on his own to take care of CJ, there was no way he would keep Pulaski by his side once he outlived his usefulness to him.

"Eddie," CJ tried to convince as he slowly climbed out of the hole. "Tenpenny's just using you, he's using all of us." He finally climbed out to face the cop. "You're the next one he's gonna silence, man... "

"Shut the fuck up, scum!" Pulaski snapped, pointing the pistol at CJ's face. "And it's Officer Pulaski to you! You think we ain't caught up on your little scheme, you stupid nigger?!"

"Oh you gonna throw the 'N' word at me now?" CJ replied.

"I waited a long time for this shit!" Pulaski said. "And now you're gonna join your mom and little brother! Fucking die!"

All of a sudden, Hernandez, who just regained consciousness, lunged at Pulaski, and right when Pulaski pulled the trigger on CJ, Hernandez jumped in front of the gun just in time and took a bullet to the stomach, falling down into the hole in the process. CJ and Pulaski watched as Hernandez lay down the hole coughing blood.

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