Toxic Love Affair-KaoTitleEarth (18+)

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This is a request from @KaoEarthKornIn_18 I have never written something like this before. This will also be my ONLY threesome and multiple partners oneshot.

Earth's P.O.V

"Earth here are the files for the boss," said Yacht. He handed me the files, I was the secretary to a CEO to a magazine company. "Thanks," I said I then got up from my desk and go to my boss's office. I knock on the door, "Come in," he said, I walk in. "Here are the files you wanted sir," I said. He looks at me and I walk up to his desk and hand it too him. My boss was very handsome he could be a model. He open the folder and look through it, I just stood there. "Sir I'm going to head back to my desk buzz me if you need anything," I tell him, I then begin to walk away, I slightly open the door but a hand made it shut close again.

I was shocked and look it was Kao, "Sir?" I said feeling nervous, "You know Earth, I don't like the way you avoid looking at me," he tells me. My back was against the door, " You know I like you," he tells me, yes lately my Boss has been eyeing me and flirting with me. "Sir I'm flattered but you know I'm engaged," I tell him. I been engaged to my boyfriend Title for a year now, we been together for five. "I know that but I have overheard you telling your friends that he hasn't given much attention and been distanced with you," he tells me, it's true ever since we got engaged Title hasn't been himself anymore. I don't feel any affection or love when we hug or kiss. It's like he forces himself to do those things, "I wouldn't treat you like that in fact let me show you," he said. He then leans in and kisses me.

I melted into his kiss, his tongue invaded my mouth. "Hmp!" I made a noise, I felt like my brain stopped and that time just took a stand still. Then I snapped out of it and pushed him away. "Kao this is wrong I'm sorry I got to go," I tell him and ran out of there. I then go to the bathroom and lean on the stall door and touched my lip. I felt the affection that I have missed.


I walk through the front door, I heard vegetables being chopped. I walk into the kitchen, Title was there but he wasn't looking my way, "Hi," I said, he looks for a second. "Oh hey welcome home," he tells me, I felt sad he use to be happy and hug me tightly whenever I got home or he did and I was waiting for him, I then go up behind him and hug him from behind, he stops cutting the vegetables and let out a breath, "Earth let go I'm making dinner right now," he tells me, I felt my heart break away, I let go and went to our bedroom to go change clothes. Tears left my eyes, I wipe them away so he won't notice and changed my clothes.

He finished making dinner and we sat at the table together, it was silence between us. I don't like it back then we use to talk about everything, I decided to break the silence. "How was work?" I asked him, "Fine you?" he asked, "Fine," I said. It was silence again, "I been looking at venues I found a few that look nice we should go check them out," I tell him, "I can't I will be busy," he tells me. I look at him, "I didn't say what day though," I tell him, he looks at me, "Well whatever day it is I will be busy," he tells me. I had enough. I put my fork down and stood up and look at him, he looks up at me. "Why? Why are you like this?" I ask him with tears leaving my eyes. He seems confused, "What do you mean?" he asked me, "Like this! You been so distance with me! You don't seem happy when you see me! You act like it's a chore to hug or kiss me! You don't tell me you love me anymore! I thought maybe you were tired because of work but you been like this ever since we got engaged!" I cried. He stood up and grabs my arms, "Earth calm down," he tells me. "If I knew you were going to be like this I would have NEVER said yes when you asked me to marry you, or ever agreed to be with you!" I tell him. "ENOUGH!" He yelled.

He then slapped me across the face, I was shocked and put a hand on my cheek that he slapped, he looks at me angry and then realized what he did. "Earth I'm," he said but he didn't finish his sentence. I ran out of the apartment in tears. I ran far and then fell on the ground in tears.

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