His EX wants him back-MarkGun

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Gun's P.O.V

I was sitting on the couch with my boyfriend Mark watching a movie, well not really Mark decided because I pecked his lips that he must attached his lips to mine and hardly separate them. I wrap my arms around his neck and he laid me down on the couch, then his phone went off but he didn't bother to answer it, it stopped and he went down to my neck then his phone went off again. I hit his shoulder, "Ignore it," he tells me, "But it might be important," I tell him. He looks at me and then grabs his phone and then answers it. "Hello? What do you want? What no bye!" he said and he hanged up the phone in anger. "What's wrong?" I asked him, "It's my ex-girlfriend," he said my eyes widen.

"The one that cheated on you?" I ask him, "Yeah," he said, "What does she want?" I ask him, "She wants me to give her another chance but no. I'm with you and I love you," he tells me. I smile and wrap my arms around his neck, "I love you too," I tell him and bring him back down to kiss my lips.

Mark and I started dating for four years now live together for one. We met through a mutual friend and everything was great. But now this, Mark has told me about his ex, I have told him about mine as well it. But his ex I believe is worse then mine, she cheated on him with her guy friend, mine? Well me and him just argued all the time.

I always had a fear that one of our exes would want us back and now it's happening. But I know Mark loves me and wouldn't leave me.

The next morning

I woke up before Mark and decided to make breakfast for us. I got the coffee started and I got out the eggs and bacon, and started cooking. I then felt arms around my waist, I smiled. He kisses the back of my shoulder. "Morning," I said, "Morning," he said back, he then gently grabs my face and kisses my lips. "Morning kiss," he said I smile, "Morning breath go brush your teeth," I tell him. He smiles and does what he is told.

I continue to cook and once it was done I set up the table, he came back and we ate together, talking and laughing. When we finished eating I told him to go take a shower, I cleaned up.

I then heard a knock on the door, I was confused. Who could that be? I went to go answer it and when I open the door there was this girl there.

"Can I help you?" I ask her, "Is Mark here? I need to talk to him," she tells me, before I can say anything Mark came over to me in his sleep pants and a tank. He looks piss, "Why are you here?" he asked her, she didn't answer and ran past me and hugs him. "I miss you," she said he pulled her off of him. "Go away!" he tells her, "Please Mark!" she begged "No!" he said and was about to slam the door when I stopped him, "Let her talk first because it looks like she won't leave until you speak to her," I tell him. He looks at me and let's out a breath. He looks at her, "Your lucky he's not the type of guy that slams the doors in people's faces get in," he tells her and she came inside.

I shut the door and we all sat down in the living room, she sat in the chair while we sat on the couch. "So speak," Mark tells her, "I know I messed things up for us but after going through the same thing that I did to you I realized I miss you and that I love you and I want to get back together," she tells him. He looks at her, "Aren't you four years too late even if you weren't I still wouldn't give you a chance, beside I have moved on already," he tells her, he then laces our hands together, she took a deep breath and her hands in her lap formed into a fists.

"I know that, that's another reason why I am here," she tells us. I look at her, "Do you have any idea how shocked I was when I found out you are with a man! I thought when you told me your were bi I thought you were joking but now I see your not!" she tells us. Mark was starting to get mad, "How do your parents feel about this? I bet they were as shock as I was," she keeps on going. "So you came here just to try and break us up because you don't like the fact that I'm with a man now?" Mark asked her. She looks at us, "It's not that, yes I don't like it that you are with a man, because ever since I found out others made jokes that I caused you to lose interest in women. It's humiliating not only that what about your parents they want grandchildren from you, they won't be able to get them now your breaking their hearts," she said. I stood up, "Enough!" I said in a anger tone, they both look at me.

"You are horrible human being!" I tell her, "Excuse me!" she said "No excuse me! How dare you come into MY home, to try and get MY boyfriend who you cheated on to come back to you all because someone did the same thing to you? Bullshit you are just mad he found me! He found someone better then you! And it happened to be the same sex as him! And to answer your question about his parents, they know he's bi! He took me to meet them, his Mother and Father both welcomed me in open arms even told me they noticed how much happier he is because of me. One time we had a fight and his Mom called me because she wanted to bring us bake goods and I was crying she asked me what was wrong and I told you know what that women did she came here and told him to apologize because if he didn't he might lose me," I tell her. "It's true Mom likes him more then you or anyone I have dated," he tells her.

"And grandchildren, ever heard of adoption or sergeant mothers. We can always do that." I tell her. It was quiet, "I don't know what you were thinking in order to get him back but news flash bitch you have to get past me and he won't be going anywhere I won't allow it! So get out of my house and never come back if you try calling him or coming here or anything that involves trying to get him back I won't be afraid to rearrange your face to the point plastic surgery won't help okay? Now OUT!" I tell her. She then gets up and leaves.

I lock the door, I was so mad and felt arms wrapped around my waist. "I think I fell inlove with you all over again," he tells me. "What do you mean?" I ask him, "I didn't know you can be this hot when you get mad," he tells me. I laugh a bit, "Either you fell in love again or your just turned on?" I said "Both," he said. I then turn around and look at him, "You wouldn't leave me for her or anyone right?" I ask him, "Oh course not you are the first person I ever been with that continues to make my heart skip a beat, to make me feel happy. To always make me fill warm inside every time I hug you or kiss you. I love you and I don't plan on letting you go," he tells me. I smile and kiss his lips. "Now we need to deal with a little problem," he tells me. "Oh great," I said. He just smiles.

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