Ignoring My Boyfriend - MarkGun

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Mark's P.O.V

I am currently at home waiting for Gun to come home from tour, and not going to lie I am pretty mad at him. During the tour he didn't text me or call me, like I understand he was busy and could not be on his phone but at least he can do is respond with a simple hi or I love you or a heart or anything!

So I have decided the moment he gets home I'm going to ignore him to teach him a lesson.

I sat down on the couch with my phone in hand already messing with it when I heard the front door open and close. "Mark! I'm home!," said the voice that I love so much. I smirked go time!

He put his bags down and sat down on the couch next to me, he laid his head down on my lap. "I'm so tired," he says I didn't say anything was just going through Instagram. I guess he now noticed I was not paying any attention to him, he tried taking one of my hands but I pulled away. "Babe?" he said, "Huh looks like Tay and New are now engaged good for them," I said. He then sat up and looks at me, I don't make eye contact with him. He shakes my shoulder, nothing.

"Mark talk to me," he says to me. I look around, "Maybe it's the wind," I said the look on his face my god I want to laugh, he had the look of "Bitch What The Fuck!"  I want to laugh so bad but I kept my straight face, "Mark!" he cried. I didn't say anything, He then takes my phone out of my hands and puts it on the table. "Now pay attention to me!" he tells me. "I think I need to call a priest or something there's ghost in here," I said.

"You did not just call me a ghost!" he said. "Well if there is I ain't afraid of no ghost," I said. (AN: I had too okay! I can't help myself!) "This ghost is about to kick your ass!" he tells me getting more mad.

I was silent a bit longer and grab my phone again might as well give him the big hint. "If only my sweet cute and adorable boyfriend was here, but no he's busy with his tour which I totally understand. But if only he would answer his phone at least once when I text him," I said out load.

Gun then realized what I meant and let out a breath. He put his head on my shoulder. I don't pay any attention to him, "I'm sorry okay it got crazy and I didn't check my phone and when I had free time I usually ate or slept, I'm sorry Mark," he tells me. I still ignore him, I'm not going to give in that easily.

I then got up and went to our shared bedroom and laid down on our bed, he then came in and sat down on the bed next to me and started messing with my hair. "Look I'm sorry I really am," he tells me.   I still ignore him.

"Fine keep on ignoring me but I know how to make you crack," he tells me. I smirk like he can try. He then kisses my cheek, I froze and my eyes widen. He then kiss the side of my head and then went to my neck. Shit! I'm Fucked!

He the straddled my lap and kisses my nose and forehead and then goes to my neck again and kiss my Adam's Apple. He then looks up at me with a smirk, and pecks my lips lightly. I miss this, I lean forward to get more but he stops me.

"Got you now!" he tells me, "Okay fine you win but I'm still upset you could have at least sent a emoji or something to me," I tell him, "I know I'm sorry it was just crazy," he tells me. "I'm sorry for ignoring you," I tell him, "I'm sorry for basically ignoring you as well," he tells me and pecks my lips again. We smile at each other.

"Now to make up for lost time," I said I then flipped him over where now I'm on top now. "Hope your ready to scream your lungs out," I tell him. He smirks and wraps his arms around my neck and brings my face closer to him and kisses my lips I kiss him back.

AN: Okay That's another one done and hey I have a question for you guys, even though I do have other series and being me, I tend to get new ideas sometimes when I should be focusing on the others I have currently. But how would you all feel if I make a new series where it's BL actors X reader. Come on I know a lot of you crush on these guys and ship them with yourselves don't lie to me. So yeah what do you all think should I do it?

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