I'm His Wings-BounPrem

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Prem's P.O.V

Legand says an angel with dark wings with strange powers was banished from his world and his wings were removed from his back. Why? He fell inlove a human. The human was also cursed by being the one to continue to carry his wings on their body as a reminder of what they done.

Every year on their eighteen birthday, the mark of the wings shows up on the body on the chest. That's when the wingless angel appears and tries to find his beloved before the hunters do. But he is always to late and so he must wait once again until his beloved is reborn once again, he does not care about his wings. He wants his love back.

That's how the story goes and how it is told.

How do I know the story?

Simple I was the next one to be reborn and almost got killed but luckily Boun who was posing as a student at my collage found me before they did. And well things did end messy but things are good now, the hunters have pretty much went away, well sort of I still get hunted down every once in a while.

But Boun always comes through.

I hit the alarm next to me to get up and ready for class when Boun pulled me back down. "Can you not go to class today?" he asked me, "I have to we have an exam and you also have to go," I tell him, "I don't want too," he tells me and snuggles close to me.

I try to get out of grip but he won't let me, "Boun!" I said, he then kisses my cheek. I still try to push him off me, he then gets on top of me and pins down both of my wrists, I look at him. "Boun stop playing!" I tell him, but he looks at me with a serious look on his face. "Prem I don't think you should go today," he tells me, "Why?" I ask him, "Because I don't want you to go," he tells me. I just look at him, "Boun I wish I can stay but like I told you I have a exam," I tell him.

"Forget about it and make it up tomorrow," he tells me and leans in and kisses my neck. He was sucking and licking my neck, I felt my body turning hot. "Boun," I moaned his name. He then lets go of my wrists I put my hands on his shoulders, "Boun I have to go if I don't I will be in trouble," I tell him. "I told you, you can make it up," he tells me. He goes back to kissing my neck and one of his hands then travels downward and into my pants.

I grab his arm, he stops and looks at me. "Boun you are worried about Henry aren't you?" I ask him. He looks at me, "That's why huh?" I ask him, "I don't trust him alright, he always finds ways to touch you when you are mine. I don't like him near you," he tells me. I look at him and lay my hand on his cheek, "Everything will be okay, I belong to you. I was reborn again and again carrying your wings with me, I think that makes me yours for a long time," I tell him, he smiles. "But I do got to go," I tell him.

He let out a breath, "Fine I'll meet you outside the exam room when you are done," he tells me. I nodded I then bring his face down and kiss his lips. We separated and he rests his forehead on top of mine, "Going through all that hell for so long was worth it," he tells me. I smiled, he then gets off of me and we get ready for class.

Class Exam Room   

I finished my exam and was packing up to leave with everyone else, when I heard someone's footsteps walking towards me. "Hey Prem," said a voice, I look and it was Henry. "Oh hey Henry," I said and went back to packing up my things, he was just standing there. "So Prem what are your plans tonight?" he asked me, "Nothing really just being with Boun that's all," I tell him, I slightly look at him, he looks piss. I finished packing up and started heading out the door.

I finally stepped outside when my wrist was grabbed it was Henry, "Henry what are you doing let me go!" I tell him struggling to get out of his grip, I then noticed his eyes were purple. "What are you?" I ask him, he smirks. "Just like your boytoy I'm also not from this world," he said and snapped his fingers and we were I don't know somewhere away from the school. He pushed me down to the ground.

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