I Stand With Earth

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So in case any of don't know Earth this adorable guy will not be part of the new boy band project. Well the company (MotiveVillage) said that Earth was better as an actor so they stopped his singing and dancing classes.

But there's more to the story then that.

According to Earth fans who found this out from a reliable source is that someone from the company had a crush on Earth and I guess Earth went on a trip with this person and this person confessed their feelings to him and he told them no. Earth rejected this person and they didn't take it well.

That person is also being accused of Sexual assaulting Earth as well. And now according to some text people found (I don't have the text on my computer so you might have to go twitter to find them.) This person vows to destroy Earth's career, in these text this person apparently spread lies about Earth to the other five boys such as Earth is aggressive.

And also according to these texts the company is facing so financial issues and does not see the boys as equals.

Not only that the company already has a bad rep specially how they treat their directors, we already know that case with 2Moons2's director who is also very pissed off that the company is treating Earth like shit. He gone as far as to expose them but using a film to shield so he won't get in trouble (Don't blame him) That's what it looks like to me. Apparently according to P'Aam Joong (At least I think it's Joong) was forced to drink alcohol when he was 17 and apparently in Thailand the drinking age is 20. So they forced a 17 year old a MINOR to drink alcohol.

P'Aan apparently also has recordings of things so he has a lot.

But back to Earth.

Earth is not in projects hell not even doing challenges like the other boys, because it's clear the person he rejected is abusing their power and keeping Earth in the basement. And if you are on twitter all the time like me (I'm admitting it! You should too!) You would have notice that Earth was on his social media around the same time the company was posting about the boy group..................They basically used Earth as a shield because they know fans want to see him, just to to post about the group which I'm not going to lie it's not going to go well. I have this gut feeling this boy band project is not going to go well or end well and with so much hatred the company is getting and this project (nobody is hating the boys just to let you know) this project is good as dead.

Earth also had a Instagram live which someone said in the live they hope to see him in 2Moons3. Guys he nervously laughed.

Here's the thing my gut feeling is he will still be in it, hell he was there at the fanmeet when they announced it, I guess even he does not know if he will be in it because how the company has been treating him. If this company is smart with all the hate they been getting and if they replace him the show is good as dead hell it already is. At this point I'm not surprised that 2M3 is canceled.

As much as I don't want to show to get canceled at this point I honestly don't care for it, I know that's cruel to say because the boys. But if Earth is being mistreated who says the others are not as well.

I'm making this here because Earth needs so much love and support right now and MV needs to be investigated. I'm not kidding guys this all because he rejected someone and that someone is abusing their power this not right.

Please support the boys and Earth that't all i'm asking.
UPDATE: Earth has left the company and the series. Get ready for a new cast everyone I can already see it coming. Earth good luck and spread your wings and fly. Ben, Pavel, Joong, Nine (Dome is managed by someone else) GET THE HELL OUT OF THERE!!!! Stop fighting and get out!

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