Answering A Few Questions.

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 Hi so I send in my last post I would like to do a Q&A and I would answer questions up until Friday, well it's Friday now so let's do this!

Jillb3 asked me.

Q: What convinced you to start writing and finally published something? Did you question it and hesitate or just throw yourself into it sink or swim style?

A: What convinced me to start writing and publish something? Is well idk. I was in a writing class when I was in school, and I wrote some fanfics in notebooks, heck the first fanfic I ever wrote was a Digimon fic but I never posted it. I wrote on MS Paint lol. 

I did have a few stories on here before the ones I have currently, such as a Digimon one, Beyblade, and Miraculous Ladybug. But I deleted them, because I question my writing. Because if you have read my earlier one shots I misspell a lot, or forget a word or punctuation's. Or sometimes what I write makes no sense at all! I still do these things. 

But at the end I decided to just go for it as writing does help me a lot and makes me feel free.   

BL_king101 asked me

Q: What is your favorite BL and which show is your least favorite?

A: My favorite BL is Until We Meet Again. Which funny enough I was not interested in it at first until the trailer was released and I fell in love with it. I an't wait for Between Us. And my least favorite I might end  up getting killed for, it's En Of Love: Love Mechanics. (I'm going to die!). Hey we all have opinions and tastes! 

L3xyyyy asked me



esdeaths_wife asked me

Q: What's your favorite bl ship? Favorite ship to write about? Favorite color?

A: My ship is MarkGun, which this series was originally about one shots of them. Favorite ship to write about I want to say MarkGun but it might be the ghost ship BestYacht or YachtBest, or BounPrem I can't pick. Favorite color is Blue. I just love all the different shades of blue. It's just a beautiful color too me. 

Well that's all I got thank you for sending them to me everyone I really appreciate it! Love you all!

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