Bad Interent Bills

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Guys so if you seen my last post you know the US government is trying to pass bills claiming to protect children online but in reality it's mass censorship and surveillance.

Organizations that support the bills (Like KOSA) are at D.C currently trying to lobby to get these bills pass.

I have been seeing since everything with AO3 people specifically minors have been talking about KOSA trying to help spread the word these bills like KOSA are dangerous.

Well there's still a lot of work to do until congress is in recess again.

And you can help even if you don't live in the USA.
The organizations that against these bad internet bills are planning on doing protests and trying to get loud from the 20-28 of this month and they need help.
Go to link I put on here (if the link works if not it's and sign the petitions.
You can sign as many times as you want you don't have to be a certain age to sign it.

Please also spread the word and share the petitions on any of your social medias.
Get loud let them know these bills like KOSA, Earn It, Restrict and etc are dangerous bills.


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