Can we have a baby?-MarkGun

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Gun's P.O.V
I was sitting on the couch looking at my phone while Mark laid his head in my lap, I was messing with his hair. He then looks up at me, "What?" I asked him. "Nothing you're just really cute right now," he tells me. He kisses my hand, I just smile at him and went back to my phone.

He then sat up and faces me. "What's up?" I asked him. "Nothing," He Said. I put my phone down, "something is on your mind what is it?" I ask him. He takes my hand in his, "well we been together for a long time and well I thought I would ask you," he said "hmmm," I Said. "Can we have a baby?" He asked me. My eyes widened, "Umm Mark that's um wow," I said I was in shock, "what you don't want to have a baby with me?" He asked "no it's not that it's just....Why do you want a baby?" I asked him.

"Well I love you and I want to have a family with you one day," he tells me. "And I love you too and I wish the same thing but right now I don't think we are ready for a baby," I tell him. He looks at me with sad big eyes, "why not now?" He asked. "We are still young, We are building our careers and well neither one of us has the parts to carry a baby for nine months," I tell him. He nods his head in agreement, "Yeah your right but if either one of us had the parts it would be you carrying the baby," he tells me. I gave him a What The Fuck look.

"Why me?" I asked him. He gets and started walking slowly, "because you're the wife in the relationship," he tells me. I stand up, "excuse me what makes you say that?" I asked him. "Well to simple put it babe," he says to me and grabs me and pins me back to the couch sitting down. "I'm the dominant one," he tells me. He has a smirk on his face, "if we ever do have a kid I hope they don't have your personality," I tell them. "I hope they get your cute face," he tells me. I just smile at him and peck his lips.

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