Stop Reading-JuKad

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This is a request from Erisakura6

Kad's P.O.V

I was sitting on the couch reading a comic when my boyfriend Junior came over and sat next to me.  I ignore him as he was trying to get my attention, I was too focused on my comic.

I guess he didn't like how I wasn't paying attention to him because he took away my comic, I try to get it back but he stretched out his arms so I can't reach and was just smirking at me. "Give it!" I tell him. He shakes his head no, I try to reach for it again but he throws it across the room. 

I was mad, "Meanie," I said and got up but he grabs me by the waist and puts me on his lap. I look at him, "Stop reading that comic and pay attention to something else," he tells me. "To what?" I ask him, he kisses my cheek. "Me," he said and kisses my lips.

I wrap my arms around his neck, we pull away. I hold his face in my hands, I got up then pinned him to the couch and got on top of him. I kiss his lips again. He looks at me and I look at him. "Babe," I said. "Yeah," he says to me. 

"I'm on a good part sooo," I tell him, I quickly got up and ran over to the comic and ran to our room and I shut the door on him. "Hey!" he said. "Let me finish the comic and then we can do what you want," I tell him. "You better hurry up!" he says to me. I smirk, "I'm going to take my time," I tell him. "You are so dead," He tells me. 

I laugh and go and sat on the bed while he sat outside the door waiting for me to finish my comic. 

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