Meeting Again-KaoEarth

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 AN:Hello my loves! It's been awhile since I posted well not that long, I took a break from writing just to relax and catch up with shows. And recently fell back in love with anime after so long of not watching it. I fell in love with Gundam Wing! TROWA X QUATRE!!! But anyway I told a few readers who have left a comments under my KAOTITLEEARTH story that I would make two scenarios and here is the KAO one. I'm not fully ready to come back into writing yet but I have some notes done for this story so might as well get started on it. Enjoy!

Earth's P.O.V

I was walking around campus, enjoying the fresh air. It's been two years since I left Thailand, and since then I have enrolled back into school to study fashion. Even though I worked at a fashion magazine for a couple of years but I was just a security, I always wanted to maybe make my own designs so that's what I'm doing. 

I feel happy and healthy since I left, even though there are days I do miss Title and Kao and wonder how they are doing. I try not to think about them to much.

I look at my watch and notice it was time for class, I then headed there.


I took my seat and got out my things that I need. I look and saw on the board that a guest speaker will be teaching the class today. "I wonder who the guest is?" said a classmate, "I heard it was this handsome CEO from Thailand," said another. I froze and then shake my head, it can't be him there's no way. "Alright everyone quiet down, like what I wrote on the board today we have a guest so please come in," said the professor. It was silent only footsteps, My heart was beating fast and my eyes widen. "Hello I am Kao Noppakao Dechaphatthanakun but call me Kao," he introduces himself. Can I leave?

I really REALLY want to leave right now! Whenever Kao gets a chance he looks my way, and every time he does I feel like he's staring into my soul, I can tell he's not happy since the only thing I left him when I left was a email saying I was leaving. Luckily class is almost over. And finally the bell rang! I packed up and was the first one to run out the door. I really want to go home but I have go to my other classes do to I have a exam coming up for one of them and need to get notes. I let out a breath and just went on with my day. 

Bookstore after school 

  I was at a bookstore trying to find the book I need for my exam, I found it bought it and started to walk back home. When a very drunk man walked up in front of me, "Hey your pretty cute," he tells me, "Um thanks bye," I said and I tried to walk around him but he grab me, "Where you think you are going?!" he asked me getting mad, before I can fight back I was grabbed by someone else and put behind them. "What you are doing is harassment sir so back off," said my savior I look it was Kao, "Harassment? He's not a woman" said the man, "Man, Woman or other harassment is still harassment no matter what gender now leave before things get ugly," Kao tells him, then man leaves.

I don't make eye contact, "Thanks," I said I then try to walk away but he grabs my wrist. I look at him, "Let me drive you back home," he tells me. I guess I have no choice it's dark out and I don't have my bus pass on me. I nodded and followed him to his car. 

Kao's Car 

I was sitting in front seat of Kao's car it was silence between us, I was just looking at the road. We then stop at a red light, he lightly grabs the back of my neck and pulls me towards him. His lips on mine, I kiss back but then lightly push him away, "Knock it off Kao," I tell him, "Why did you leave like that?" he asked me. "I needed to get out Kao, I was putting you and Title in a horrible and selfish situation it wasn't good for all of us," I tell him. "Why didn't you tell me in person?" he asked me. "Remember the first time I did you called me a whore then you texted Title behind my back about everything, besides even if I did and you didn't do that I knew I need to get out. But I knew one of you would make me come right back and choose between the two of you but I couldn't," I tell him. 

It was silent again. He then let out a breath, "I'm sorry about that day, I shouldn't have done that. Telling Title," he tells me. "It's fine he would have found out anyway and I can't blame you, I just want to move on with my life," I tell him, "Even without Title or I in it?" he asked me. I silent and let out a breath, "Yes," I tell him. We then pulled up to my apartment that I live with my Mother. "Thanks Kao," I tell him about to get out of the car, he grabs my hand. "I won't be here for very long only a couple of days but can I see you tomorrow?" he asked me. I didn't look at him, "Bye Kao," I said I shut the door and walked up to my apartment and went inside. 

"There you are what took so long?" My Mother asked me. "I got into a bad situation but someone helped me," I tell her, "Are you okay?" she asked me, "I'm fine," I said I sat down on the couch, she sat down next to me. "Son what happen?" she asked me, "My old boss is here for a few days," I tell her. "Then man that you were with behind Title's back?" she asked me. I nodded, I have told my Mother what happened. "Do you just want to miss classes for the next few days?" she asked me, "No I have a exam coming up and can't miss it, so I can't avoid seeing him," I tell her. It was silent. "What's wrong Earth?" she asked me. "Ma my heart still beats for him, and when he kissed me tonight I still felt the fire that I once felt when I was with him, what's wrong with me?" I ask her. She hugs me, "You might still have feelings for him and maybe this is a sign wanting you two to meet again," she tells me.  I was quiet, I know she is right. But I wish she wasn't.

The next day class

I was sitting in class listen to Kao's lecture and kept on checking the time so I can leave. "Any questions?" he asked, a girl raised her hand. "Yes," he said. "This might be a more personal question but have you ever fallen for someone in the work place?" she asked him, I froze. He let out a breath, "I have and I will tell you it was a selfish thing I did, not only was I in pain so was that person and another. I drove that person away and since then I haven't seen them," he answers her question. I felt nervous, "What would do if you did ever see them again?" she asked him, "I would apologize and tell them I have never forgotten about them and that I still have feelings for them," he says. I felt my heart beat. 

End of The day  

I walk up to Kao about to get into his car. "Hey," I said, he looks at me. "Don't you have any shame for what you said in there?" I ask him, "What do you mean?" he asked me, "You basically just admitted that there was cheating involved and you seem like you took all the blame," I tell him. "Isn't it my fault? I caused issues between you and Title," he tells me. "Yes but I was the one who caused everything! If anyone is at fault it was mine!" I tell him, tears started to leave my eyes. I don't know why I am so upset. "Earth," he said my name, I look at him and he leans in and kisses me. I kiss back, he then pulls away. 

He wipes a tear away, "I still do have feelings for you," he tells me. I sniffled, "What about you?" he asked me, I nodded my head yes. He smiles and kisses me again I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss back.    

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