Ignoring My Boyfriend Prank part 2-MarkGun

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This is a request from AirameaBermudez

Gun's P.O.V

I sat in the green room on the couch after my photo shoot for the new show I'm going to be in, (AN: Anyone else excited for it. Even thought it's not Mark with him, I'm really excited to see Gun act more and excited for his new partner Boat. Hopefully one day we will get a MarkGun series outside the LBC universe.) I was texting my boyfriend Mark but he's hardly responding to me. 

"First you get mad at me when I was on tour that I couldn't respond now you don't respond when I do text you," I said to my phone, I sat there mad. He's not even working today!

I'm going to give a taste of his OWN medicine when I get home.


I walk through the door, I heard the sink in the kitchen, it then turns off and Mark comes out of the kitchen and smiles at me. "Hey babe welcome home you hungry?" he asked me, I take off my shoes and walk past him and go to our shared room. I shut the door and laid down on the bed on my side. 

The door opens and closes, I heard footsteps. "Gun you okay?" he asked me, I said nothing I then get out my phone and started playing with it. "Gun hello? Earth to Gun your boyfriend wants to talk," he tells me, I still ignore him. I then get a text from Boat. Saying how he's glad and looking forward to be working together, I guess Mark saw it because he took my phone. 

"I don't need to be anymore jealous then I already am, now talk!" he tells me. I still ignore him, "Oooh giving me a taste of my own medicine when I did this too you okay babe, you do that then I'll do what you did to me," he tells me. 

I ignore his threat but then I felt a hand go into my pants and my eyes widen, oh no! Okay I didn't go this far! I then felt kisses on my neck. I was trying not to moan as he did this, He kept on lightly touching me, "Oh okay enough enough!" I tell him. He stops and removes his hand, I lay on my back to face him. 

"You play dirty!" I tell him, "You did first!" he reminds me, "But you take things to far!" I tell him, "I wouldn't have too if you told me what is wrong!" he tells me. "You get mad at me when I don't respond to you when I was on tour but all day I been texting you and you haven't responded at all!" I tell him, he looks at me and lets out a breath. He then leaves the room and comes back with a bag with rice in it and his phone?!

"I dropped my phone today in water that's why" he tells me. I look at him, "I'm sorry babe, if I didn't drop it then I would have responded right away. I sit up, "No I'm sorry," I tell him, "You didn't know you don't have to be sorry," he tells me and sits next to me on the bed. "But still," I said to him, he leans over and kisses me, I kiss back.

He makes me lay back down on the bed. "Right now let's stop playing this little game of ignoring each other and play something else," he tells me. I smile and pull him back down for a kiss.

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