Prince and Prince-MarkGun

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Gun's P.O.V
He pins me down on the bed and starts to kiss me, I kiss him back. He was trying to remove my shirt, I was trying to take off his. Once both of them were off he started to kiss my lips again. My hand was on the back of his neck pulling his closer, "I missed you," he tells me. "I missed you too," I tell him.

In fairy Tales the prince meets a princess and they marry right? in modern day dramas a prince and a princess meet and they hate each other at first and then fall in love right? That's how it usually goes but what about a prince and a prince.

Mark and I are both of royal blood from neighborly kingdoms. But all royal blood go to this very elite school, and that's how we met and our relationship changed to friends to something more when we were playing the King game and were told to kiss and that's how it started.

I love him a lot but we have a problem our parents don't get along and both of us are arranged to marry a princess, but we both don't want too. Right now it's the first time we have seen each other in 5 mouths, we currently at a motel that he got for us under a fake name.

We continued to kiss when his phone went off, he looks at it. "You going to answer it?" I asked him kissing his cheek, "No it's just my arranged fiance that's all," he says and goes back to kissing my lips. Then my phone went off, I know it was my fiance as well because ever since my parents introduce us. She has been blowing up my phone, "You going to answer yours?" he ask me while kissing my neck, "nope," I tell him.

I then let out a breath, he looks at me. "What's wrong?" he asked me, "I just wish we can come out and be together," I tell him, he then messes with a little bit of my hair. "Don't worry okay I got a plan," he tells me. I look at him, "What are you planning?" I asked him. He smiled, "Don't worry about it okay," he tells me and then goes and kisses my lips.


I was with Mark and we were talking about something when my fiance came up to me, "Gun I wish to speak to you," she tells me. I look at Mark, "go I'll wait for you here," he tells me. I got up from where I was sitting and followed her, "What's up?" I asked her, "Why have you been ignoring my calls and texts?" she asked me, "Because I have more important things to do," I tell her, "Sure what is her name? And does she know you are in engaged to me?" she asked me.

I was getting annoyed, "Listen you don't have to call me or text me all the time, you act like we are dating this is just an arranged marriage okay, there's no love between us. I have no feeling for you at all okay, I'm sorry but I really don't want to marry you," I tell her, she started to getting tear eyed. I felt bad but I can't put up with her anymore for the past five months she has just driven me crazy, "Why?" she asked me, "I love someone else I'm sorry," I tell her and I walk away.


"So you basically broke up with her," said Mark, "Yep my parents are going to kill me," I said knowing I'm going to be in so much trouble, "Hey everything is going to be okay," he tells me. I look at him, "Now that she's out of the way," he said and leans in and kisses me. I kiss him back, I then felt my phone buzz it was a text from my mother.

Mother: I just heard from your fiance's mother that you broke her heart, Son as much as I want you to be happy this will be good for you. Your father want to have a word with you when you come home.

I let out a breath, "Well I'm dead," I tell him, Mark then holds my hand in his. I look at him, "Everything will be okay," he tells me. I smiled and nodded my head.


"You will apologize to her and break up with whoever it is you are seeing!" said my father, "But I love the person I am with, and she can do better then me," I tell him. He was getting more mad, my mother didn't say or do anything. "Room now!" he tells me. "Don't have to tell me twice," I tell him and went to my room.

I lay down on my bed and look at my phone and I see I got a text from Mark.

Mark: Tomorrow is my engagement party and apparently it's going to be on tv.

Me: So what are we going to do?

Mark: Remember I told you I have a plan. It will be in action tomorrow.

Me: So what's the plan?

Mark: It's a surprise okay. Love you!

Me: Love you too!

I put my phone down and wondered what is he thinking and what is his plan?

Mark's engagement party

I was with my parents and we were just standing around my fiance was also here, and we weren't speaking to each other. But this is just dumb why make royal engagement's all over the media. I haven't gotten a chance to speak with Mark at all, I then saw him with his parents on the top stairs with his fiance. She was clinging on to him, I felt angry but then I saw the camera people start to film them because he was suppose to put the ring on her figure now.

Everyone started to become quiet so they can hear him speak. "So Prince Mark is there anything you like to say to your fiance?" said the reporter. "Yes I do," he said and he took her hands and they faced each other. "Lizzy you are a beautiful girl and very kind, any man would be lucky to have you. Unfortunately I don't believe I'm the one for you, I'm in love with someone else," he tells her. Everyone was shocked and she started crying, "I'm sorry," he tells her. "Prince Mark, you are in love with someone?" ask the reporter. Mark looks at them, "Yes I am," he answers and walks down stairs and walks up to me, he then grabs me by the back of my neck and kisses my lips. I heard people gasp, we pull away. "What are you doing?" I ask him, "Showing the world that I love you,"he tells me. I felt my heart beat fast.

He takes my hand in his, "Marry me?" he asked me and took out a ring in his pocket. I felt tears leaving my eyes and nodded my head yes. He put the ring on my finger, many clapped but some were shocked. "Mark what is the meaning of this?" asked his father, "I love him dad and nothing you will do or say will change my mind," he tells his father. "So this is why you broke up with me because you were with him?" asked my now ex-fiance. "Yes," I answered her.

"Why didn't you tell me jeez I would have been the first one to support you," she said to me. Well then didn't see that coming, "This is not happening," said my father. "Father I," I said to him, he was getting mad until my mother hit him upside the head. "Don't think about yelling at him! If he wants to be with him let him be with him," said my mother.

"Dear this is not right ," said my father, "What's not right that our son loves someone that happens to be the same sex? What's so wrong about that? Nothing is wrong here!," She said. It got quiet, "We live in the modern century why live in the past, people are allowed to be open and happy who they love no matter what they are, all I care about is my child's happiness!" she said.

"Mother?" I said, she looks at me and smiles, "I just want you to be happy that's all," she tells me. I smiled at her, "Now why are you two still doing here go!" she tells us. Mark laces his hand with mine and we ran out of there. "Well then," said Mark as we got to the car, "So now what?" I ask him, "We go on a early honeymoon," he tells me, I smile at him and we drove off.

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