I need your guys help

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I never thought I had to do this but I want others to know.
I live in the US and my government SUCKS!!
They are trying to pass internet bills saying it's for "protecting the children" which these bills will not protect kids at all it's mass censorship and surveillance.
Some of these bills being Kids Online Safety Act, Earn It Act, and Restrict act.

But my main focus is Kids Online Safety Act or KOSA now the premise of this bill sounds good as they did add some things that are good but it's not this bill will allow state attorney generals to decide what content people can see online. And I live in a red state.

Red governors want to use this bill to censor LGBTQ+ content and creators.

A religious group has admitted to have said they plan on using this bill to do just that to get rid of sites such as Wattpad all because there is LGBTQ+ content and if you know anything how the US lawmakers are seeing the LGBTQ+ you know it's not good. Our Supreme Court has now allowed discrimination against the LGBTQ after ruling in favor to a website designer who lied and made up a fake same sex couple. Also some of the judges got paid.

If you know AO3 was hacked because a group who didn't like the fact there was LGBT and NSFW work on there.

This bill plans on making social media companies possible use age verification on its users which means having to use an id.

LGBTQ+ organizations and other organizations have said these bills will not protect kids and will effect adults too. LGBTQ+ kids won't be able to find the resources they need. And also kids in dangerous homes won't be able to as well.

The LGBTQ+ organization have tried to have a meeting with the senator who wrote this bill (he wrote it with a woman who is a tranphobic) but he has refused to meet them! And he has been wanting internet surveillance for a long time.

Please guys these bills will not protect kids!

KOSA is possibly going to pass this month but there is a way to stop it please if you live in the USA call and email your state lawmakers and tell them to vote no! Keep on doing it too! Please also sign the petitions go to BadInternetBills.com and sign it. It will also give you a script to what to say for an email and the phone.

If you're not from the USA you can still sign and let others know about these bills.

If anything does happen and this bill passes you can download any of my one shots that way they are not gone forever.

I know I might sound crazy and some of you might not believe me but if you have seen the news with the USA then you know the government doesn't care about kids.

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