
122 6 15

Okay, personally, I'm 50/50 on it. Under certain circumstances.

But I'm pissed at what I saw.

So an ad I saw said abortion clinics are going more and more out of business, and in the comments, people legit said that even if a woman was assaulted, she shouldn't get an abortion if she doesn't want a baby.

Ya. She already had to deal with being forced into sex. Now she HAS to deal with pushing a baby, she doesn't want, out of her vagina because someone else is all pissy she was a victim?

What if a woman is stuck as a sex slave, and she's able to sneak away to abort a baby who she doesn't want being turned into a toy or like her assaulter? She shouldn't be allowed to?

What if a woman who could barely feed for herself was assaulted, and got pregnant? Now she has 2 mouths to feed.
And we all know the foster care system is fuked up.

And then there's the more dangerous ways people will still try.
There's the hanger solution, which I think is when you shove an unfolded hanger up a woman and pull the fetus out.
And then there's women who take pills to kill the baby, but it can also kill her.
And then she might try something like squishing her stomach hard. Torture victims have drawn seeing such things happen before.

In some situations, abortion is a-okay.
And especially now, humanity is insane. We can due with less humans, and do we REALLY want the future generation to be raised in a world like this? Really?

I Hate Humans.

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