Killing Stalking

41 3 12

TW For SA and abuse

Now, I may have never read it, but from everything I've gathered about it, I think I know enough.

And WHY do people ship the two like it's the best thing since the discovery of melted butter?




It's a story about mental, physical, and sexual abuse, the affects it could have for the rest of the victim's lives, the dangers of the kinds of relationships, and that an abuser is an abuser no matter how they look.
I could guarantee that if Sangwoo were absolutely ugly, people wouldn't be shipping them as much.

But it still kind of is an erotic. Personally, no fuking thanks. I prefer my sexual stuff to be consensual with no abuse whatsoever. But some people read stuff with sexual assault and abuse as a vent, or because they don't want to inflict those on someone else (still not good though), or they're victims of such and use it as a way to try and push through their trauma.

But KS is literally anything but romance. It's abuse. It's about a guy who clings to any form of what he sees as affection and another who inflicts what his mother did to him to gain a sense of power and control.

Yet people, mostly teens, say this is a love story. That it's like Beauty & The Beast.

No no no.
-Beast asked Beauty if she wanted to sleep with him. And he would respect when she said no.
-Beauty was allowed to leave to visit her family, Beast allowed it even if it nearly killed him.
-Beast didn't lay a hand on Beauty and gave her space.

KS, on the other hand...
-There is no "no". Sangwoo still assaults Yoonbum on multiple occasions.
-Sangwoo forbad Yoonbum from leaving, punishing him when he tried.
-Sangwoo hits and abuses Yoonbum, breaking his dam ankles!

This isn't love. This isn't romance. This is abuse. And teens treat it so greatly. 

All those "Better love story than Twilight jokes", and this has to be equal, maybe even lower, level than Twilight. Better told, but a horrible love story if that was the goal.
As insane as a lot of them were, at least Edward never assaulted Bella, and the worst Jacob did was force a kiss on her and accidentally imprint on her baby (Though that's still horrid)

This is a horror story. A story about abuse and control. Even kind of how bad the mandatory army training in their country is, since Yoongbum was forced into it and nearly got assaulted there for being gay.
NOT a story about two people who fall in love.

By romanticizing it, it makes abuse look loving, it paints a bad goal for impressionable readers who think it's okay. The story is like "They aren't abusive! They still love me!"

And I hate how I use to, still kind of do, see teens on here saying it's a great gay story. When it's not. One of the main characters is gay, but it's not a queer story. It's an abuse story.

Killing Stalking is not a love story

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