Throw it back

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So we know how there's laws that say a religious person can deny an LGBTQ+ person any service because "religious freedom"

Well, how about we start making it where someone puts up signs that say they do not welcome door-to-door religious knockers, because it goes against their believes, be it they believe in a different religion, believe the same religion differently, aren't okay with people against their lifestyle coming to their door uninvited, or whatever else?

I doubt that would be allowed because it's a Rules For Thee, Not For Me type BS.
If you're Christian or Jewish or JW or whatever, you have full dam right to turn away someone who's gay or pagan.

But if you don't want people walking up to your door, completely uninvited, to try and convert you against your beliefs, the best you can currently do is put No Trespassing signs.

Well, I say if Christians can deflect the money of people just wanting business who simply are different than their beliefs, then there should be a program or something where you can put up signs outside your house that will warn that door-to-door knockers are not allowed there or risk being fined.

Hel, from what I could find, there's laws saying that door-to-door religious speakers can legally walk up to your door despite if you have No Trespassing/Soliciting signs.

Which, again, is Rules For Thee, Not For Me.
Why is it okay to turn away someone who simply wants a cake or shirt because you aren't comfortable with a strangers life, a stranger willing to pay you?
But those same people who will turn others away because "It's my belief" are allowed to go to someone's very house, their own homes, and try to push their beliefs?

Imagine you wanted a shirt with a Thor symbol on it, saying "Norse Pride". The owner of a custom shirts company can turn you away because "My belief doesn't support that." And they legally can.
Then a few days later, that same person comes knocking at your door to try and talk you into their religion. And they legally can walk up to your house, your door, sometimes even if you have signs barring people from trespassing or soliciting. They have full right to come to your place of comfort to try and change from something they originally turned you away for.

That's saying "I won't feel comfortable doing business with you unless you make yourself change to be like me." Followed by "I know where you live now."

You see how that's fuked up?
They can turn away money from someone simply wanting to do business, but they can also walk to strangers houses to try and make them like-minded. With the wrong person, this could lead to fuked up crimes.

Of course, I know not all religious people are like this. I know some are chill. Some will respect that someone is different. I just keep seeing more crap about people being denied for different beliefs.

This crap, this hypocritical crap, just has to be kinda called out. Because this doesn't sound like Freedom to me. This sounds closer to a Theocracy than Freedom.
You can be denied because someone has a different religious belief or doesn't like that you're queer (even if it affects them in no way other than FILLING THEIR POCKETS), but then that same person who denied you can bypass your Not-Welcomed signs at your place of personal living.

Either people have the right to turn religious/other type of religious people away, too, because it's against their own beliefs, or no one gets to turn anyone away no matter their beliefs.

I swear if this happens to me if I ever live on my own, unless they brought a child with them going door-to-door (because I actually have SOME decency), I'm just gonna keep answering the door complete bare naked until they leave me alone. It's my house, and I'll already make it clear I don't want anyone coming unannounced to my personal place of living with signs. Their fault if they want to ignore the warnings.

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