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So it's apparently been reported that since the abortion ban, there's been over 10,000 more births than expected, in Texas so far.

How many of those kids are unwanted and going to be dumped in the system? Out of 10,000 kids, how many of them are going to end up in foster care?

I remember hearing something of a case worker who "oddly" didn't report about over 8,000 or 80,000 (somewhere between) kids going missing. Most likely meaning they were being sold off for SA, labor, and/or organ harvesting.

Now take into consideration how many people in power have turned out to be creeps, and remember the thing I posted in my news book about people wanting kids to work in dangerous environments.
And Texas law not only bans abortions, but UNDERAGE abortions, I'm pretty sure. Meaning a young girl in a bad situation can not get rid of the product of that situation.

It's all a plan. I'm not crazy. Anyone would be crazy NOT to see it.
Ban abortion - More unwanted kids are born - More kids put in the foster system - More kids no one would know about or bat an eye at - More kids almost no one would notice or care went missing.
Especially with the work laws that were being pushed. Since it would "be legal", who's going to notice that a 9 year old is working at a construction site unpaid?

I may sound crazy, but this is happening right now. Look up a game called Fragile if you can stomach it.
It's a Mongolian game where you play as a kidnapped 10 year old, and she/you see other kids getting killed, gutted, and thrown out like trash, with one of the only adults helping you being a kid who suffered sexual abuse by his own father, who was running the mines that children were kidnapped to. 
Your character is a lower-class child with a dad who went to drinking after the lose of his wife, your mother. You were a target for these creeps because no one's going to care about this 10 year old in the slums, and no one will listen to an alcoholic even if said alcoholic did love you.

Real kids experience that real crap, and a LOT don't escape. A LOT don't get the justice they deserve. A LOT don't get to live their life. A LOT don't get to be kids.
And Texas? Texas, as well as a lot of these other anti-abortion states, are just supporting this crap. And this goes for other countries, too. As I mentioned, the game was Mongolian. This is happening all over the world.

But right now, I'm talking about this crap. Get back to the 10,000 more births than expected.
There's no way that all 10,000 of those were wanted and from consensual means, or even done to an adult. How many of those 10,000 are their father's grandchild? How many are the ones keeping their mom chained to their dad with visitation rights? How many those is from an escaped victim? 10,000, and all of them are from two consenting adults who aren't ready for kids? No way.

This crap is just getting worse and worse by the day. Yes, not all kids in the foster system are unlucky, some do get normal loving families.
But how many DON'T? Those 8,000+ didn't, that's for sure.
I'm so tired of humans. I'm tired of sick people being in power. I'm sick of good people not wanting to or unable to do anything about it. There's power in numbers and we're all so horribly divided. This crap is probably still going to be going as strong as it is by the time I'm old and my heart stops beating.

I'm almost scared to post this chapter because, as I said, people who have tried to speak up suddenly "take their lives". But I feel I need to say something.

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