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Personal opinion, but elderly people who are close to their time should be allowed to die the way they want as long it doesn't harm others. If they don't want to spend their last moments in a sick bed, why make them?

Grandpa wants to go by partying with loads of drugs?
Give him the best he enjoys!

Aunt Joan wants to drink til she passes?
Give her her favorite drink!

Dad wants to end it with a bullet?
Say your goodbye's and allow it.

It may be harsh. But their time is nearing its end. If they don't want to die from just organs slowly shutting down then they should go the way they want. It's their final adventure before the afterlife, if there is one. They should enjoy their goodbye party. Say goodbye's to loved ones, of course. But they should go the way they want as long as they're not bringing harm to anyone. No suicide bombings or causing a huge car accident.

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