My Baby

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Okay. I. Am. So. pissed!

So one of my grandparents boys cut one side of MY cat's whiskers! 

And now he keeps cuddling up to me, which is completly wrong because this cat never allows that!

We are 100% calling animal control when we move. My grandma's cat was like that when we got here. 
These kids are animal abusers, and their adopters allow it, even go as far as to abuse animals themselves.

All the pigs here are dying because they're being fed food that kills them from the inside.

The chickens literally attack each other when my mom gives them food because my fam is the only ones feeding them.

The cows are in bad shape.

The dogs had shock collars, which are illegal here, put on them.
And they put a shock collar on our dog without our permission (My dad was REAL mad, because we don't do shock collars)

And now these boys are actively abusing my fur babies, and nothing is gonna be done about it.

They literally watch p0rn on the porch where all can see and smoke weed all the time, and these oldies don't do crap about it!
This is child negllagence, I'm pretty sure. Which is abuse. And they're basically enabling these kids.

CPS and Animal Services are definitly being called when we move, which should be in a week or two.

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