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Personal opinion, but In Rise Of The Guardians, Pitch should have been given a redemption arc.

For him, the only way anyone could believe in him, notice him, was through fear. Other than the Guardians, no one noticed him. And sometimes, heroes tend to leave out important stuff from the past when it comes to the villain, so Pitch could've been a good guy before, for all we know.

AND people NEED fear. You can't have Bravery without Fear. Fear is what drives you to fight, to help those you care about, to act quickly when it's dire.

And darkness isn't always bad. It helps hide good people trying to run from a bad situation, or help some kids who have a skin issue that gets agitated in the sunlight, all the little lights such as fireflies and the stars are easy to see in the dark.

Darkness and Fear aren't always bad things. Pitch should've been redeemed. Especially considering how in the original books, he was a father who's wife was killed while he was out at war and he didn't know where his daughter was. (I want the books ASAP). THIS could've been used for a small redemption arc, honestly.

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