Sob Bait

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If I see crap popping in my notifs that's meant to be a sad story but there's the occasional roleplay text in it, I'm unfollowing. Gives me flashbacks of an ex, and it tells me you're more in for sob points than actually going through that.

Not naming names, but I unfollowed someone for not only doing that, but for "twalking wike thish" when talking about "something bad that happened", oh and pretending to text as someone else. Then they delete that message and replace it with a new baby talk message.
And what "happened" was pretty serious. Serious enough for someone to NOT add RP and baby talk to their messages or "tell someone to baby talk on their MB for them", and them keep removing and adding new baby talk messages. I unfollowed them yesterday, so I dunno if they're still keeping up that crap.
But that serious thing also seemed very made up.

No one say a dam thing about "Maybe it's their coping mechanism?"
I've been here for years and I know when some kid is faking crap for pity points. And like I said, the story seemed made up.
Someone actually going through crap would get to the point and make their messages actually comprehensible to read (constantly adding sh and w's for baby talk literally makes it so dam hard to understand what TF you're even meaning to say), so that people understand what they're going through, and wouldn't bombard their MB with "Too twired, is lonelies and need wuvies. "
Like, dam. that's a lot for someone who "seems to be going through something bad".

And no one give me crap of "maybe they age regress and talk like that."
Because there's a line between going to your mental safe space and trying to get people's pity.
Hel, if anything, this crap may very well be DAMAGING to those who age regress. Because the people doing this do it for attention and are spreading it to people who did not consent to it, therefore making age regressors look like attention seekers who love looking pitiful.
Where as actual Age Regression, from what I've learned, is mostly what people who didn't have as happy of a childhood do to try and cope with trauma (But that's just from what I've picked up here and there)

Hel, it's not even just on here. I've seen grown adults, some who were neighbors, act like this on neighborhood pages, and usually those neighbors were not kind people. Not always with the baby language (though they do seem to have a "sad little me" way of talking), but they start really toeing the line with roleplaying text. Especially this one chick who was pretty trashy and her kids are sadly following suite.
And I don't know who I'm more disappointed in: The people who do it, or the people who actually believe this crap.

Yes, there are genuinely people who fall for this.

If you act and talk like this, expect an unfollow from me. I've dealt with this crap before and I do not ever wish to again.
I won't do any "LOOK AT THIS CRINGE PERSON" or anything like that. I'd rather avoid drama, hence why I'll unfollow someone who seems to enjoy making up their own. I can still rant without seeking drama, as long as I don't say names or big specifics, feeling frustrated and being immature are two different things.

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