Trauma Belief

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I'll make perfectly clear that this isn't hating Christians. This is about the people who call themselves such so that they can control people with fear.

I think I only just now realized how some of the die-hard Christians genuinely think they've seen or felt a demon from a certain thing, like a kids movie or silly book.


It has been traumatized into their brains, either at a young age or very recently, that certain things are signs for demonic energy and summoning. By either other people who had it put into their brains, or those who are saying they're Christian and reciting verses just to control people.

Their brains have been programed and wired to associate something with bad feelings. Like a 40 year old mother has been taught to associate red with Satan. So when she watches Turning Red and says she felt or heard demons come from it, she's either A.) Lying to get a sense of control, or B.) It's a trigger feeling and/or reaction.
Her brain has been programmed to think This = That. Their brain has been fixed to be triggered and panic at a certain imagery.

I mean, we all go through it. It's why as kids, when we see little blinking lights in the sky, we think they're weird stars. When really, they're planes, or tower lights to keep planes from crashing into them. We just see lights in the sky too far away to reach, and we associate that with what we know. Difference is though, that an adult mind is harder to change than a child mind.

But these people, unless they're just trying to find a reason to whine and control people, have had it carved into their very souls that things like Puberty Causing Rebellion Because Of Scary Hormonal Change = Satanic Worship. 
Like, they still have actions they need to own up to. But it's still sad, and I can feel bad for them.

Basically, it causes a kind of Mass-Hysteria. Just one that goes in slower, but powerful, waves these days.
Like the Salem Witch Trials. A lot of the people genuinely believed that not only were there Satan-worshipping witches, but that they were at fault for whatever plights befell them. Because power-hungry people imprinted it to the people's minds that all their issues come from these certain people, even children. If the people had been told by those same higher-ups that witches were actually people of God and were good, then those same "witches" wouldn't have been punished the way they did and would've been seen as good.

Love can be a powerful machine.
But Fear can be the tool that pulls one very important screw out. Can turn a man into a monster with a snap.

And with these old bible-thumpers being in control (A major reason for the abortion bans and book-banning and such), they have the ability to easily strike that fear into once good people. They make YT channels, articles, websites, etc specifically on causing this fear, pay to have their videos on funny videos, make it so anyone gets recommended a Christen story no matter how they filter their stuff, force holiday changes.
Because they know there's people who can be easily manipulated. Basically, what they're saying about the "mind control" media is actually what is true about themselves. 

They want people to be against each other, people to turn away from those who prefer more freedom and critical thinking, and be able to control those people. I mean, that is why the JWs say that you MUST cut contact with not just non-believers, but someone who slips up even a bit, or someone who a leader personally doesn't like for whatever reason.
People can't unlock their free-thinking if the key is thrown away.

Fear is a powerful tool that controlling-freaks use to their advantage. And sadly, people who do genuinely have good intentions of helping people don't realize the actual powers at play. Whether you believe in God, something/someone else, or nothing, you gotta admit a lot of these louder people sound crazy when they accuse shows about friendship or learning respect is a 2-way street are actually sending Satanic waves to your kids.

Ya, there are some shows that genuinely do have some weird thing going on, maybe something like the Creepypasta of Lavender Town causing kids to feel 'not okay".
But those waves are human-made human-thoughts for human bidding.
Not the Devil violin-fiddling his way into your children's ears to get them to join his eternal-tap-dance-in-Snow-White-inspired-shoes.

So that woman breaking down because a 6 year old has 2 mommies, though not in the right and not excusable, may genuinely believe she's trying to do the right thing. It's just the fear pulling her around like a puppet.

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