Bad Dreams

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They say dreams have meaning?

So what the fuk is the meaning behind a dream I had of me being in a threesome with my parents with them mostly wanting me?

I feel disgusting, I don't like it. Dream me liked it, but my real subconscious didn't like it.

Is there something wrong with me? This isn't the first time I've had bad dreams like this, most of the time they involve my mom, and I want it to be the last.

My dad has NEVER been sexual towards me, and my mom.....well, this might be a cause of her telling me I should do OnlyFans a few months ago. I haven't gotten over that. Then again, these dreams with just her too have been occuring longer. So is there something I'm not seeing?

Is it because they're the only people I'm around?

I feel sick, I feel fuked up. What the fuk is wrong with me? And I can't get help. Therapy is expensive, and my parents haven't taught me how to drive, I can't just go up to them and say "I might be a little fuked up because I keep having sexual dreams about us!"

Did I get wired wrong? Is this something I'm stuck with? Because I fuking hate it. And I have no way to get help other than ranting on here.

I don't feel okay in my own body right now. I don't feel okay at all at the moment.

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