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This is why the fat acceptance movement is just disgusting

Like, it's fine to love yourself if you're trying to workout for your health but still like the way you look, or maybe you are chubby due to genetics and can't get rid of it, or maybe something has made it hard or even impossible to live healthier. That's all well and fine.

This is fuking disgusting.

Like, was this crap NOT a prediction from Wall-E? People's lives controlled by big companies, things were changed to accommodate the fat people, resources became scarce, and it drove the world to become a wasteland so bad that they had to move to space and consume just processed fake food and/or humans (if the theory is true).

And that crap with the motorized wheelchair just pisssed me off so bad, because I've seen that issue before. like the person who's mom needed it.
We've seen people who clearly needed them and they were all gone. But we walk in and not only were these slugs hoarding the carts, but they were really dam rude, too.

And for someone who "wants to make things more accessible for everyone", she sure doesn't take into consideration that taller toilets would make it harder for little people to go to the bathroom. Screw us, eh?

Imagine being rich enough to get enough food to make yourself large, be able to afford a $70 towel, buy 2 to 3 plane seats every time you travel by air, get yourself so many nice things, afford a lifestyle where you can sit back and do nothing, yet whine that nothing is good enough for you.

I would kill just to have living money where I can have healthy 3 meals while getting an occasional book to keep from insanity. And this piece of work keeps wanting more and more and more.

Again, it's one thing if you're someone who doesn't think you're ugly but is working on your health or genetics made you bigger. As long as you're not rude to people, that's fine.
But this chick and her BF (All that fat scarily makes them look the same, too, with being unable to cling to a form), and her supporters, really want us to live in the world of Wall-E, and screw over anyone who it might affect.

On the good side, if you ever think you're fat, just remember that you're not like this slob. You actually want to move around and understand that you could do with a little healthier lifestyle. These people are literal bags of fat and do not want to change and don't care about who they inconvenience. You are far FAR from that.

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