Magnus Chase

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Before I start, I'll just say no hate to the actress for Annabeth. I'm getting more chill with it.

But my issue is, if the PJO adaptation is successful enough, and the KC adaptation, and if an HoO one comes, that may also mean that further down the line, Magnus Chase will get adapted.
Unless Magnus will take more after his father, Frey, Magnus will be black, too. Since the only DNA he has is the one he shares with Annabeth, through his mother and her brother, Annabeth's father.

Ya, there ARE POC characters in MC. But Magnus is described as looking like a young Kurt Cobain. He also is supposed to look similar to his father, a Norse god.

They CAN NOT go the route with changing Frey's skin color, either.
All Norse gods were white. Just like how there's specifically Chinese gods, specifically black African gods, so on. So him being race changed would NOT be okay in the least bit. Tanned, maybe. Since he's the Norse god of sunshine. But no full on race-swapping.

The Norse gods are part of a real life culture, a real belief real people have had since BC, and still believe in to this day. You can't just change that to fit current ideas. You can make a spin from it, take inspiration. But you can't change a real beings skin color. Especially when they've always been depicted by their followers as such.

With Loki, it's one thing. He can make himself look like anyone. But the other gods? They're white.

Again, no hate to the actress for Annabeth. And I'm kinda just "meh, chill" about the idea when I take into consideration how I enjoyed the Darkest Minds movie, Ruby being black in it while being white in the book. Movie holds a more sentimental place in my heart.

But unless they have Magnus resemble his father much more than his mother, or make him look more like his mortal side and say he don't look like Cobain, I don't know what they'll do.

Yes, there is more than just white people in the books. Samirah (though other Muslim people weren't too happy about how her character was done, but the adaptation can fix the wrongs), Thomas Jefferson Jr, Blitzen, Alex, from just what I can remember. Three I named are supporting main characters, one of them a love interest. But Magnus is supposed to look similar to Frey.

Considering it's owned by Disney, and people who believe in Norse gods aren't too happy with how Marvel changed their gods (especially when they made the Norse gods black in a What If comic. Even black people were upset about it), we'll have to see.

As long as they don't change any of the gods except the shapeshifter (who can be played by maybe multiple people). They can make Magnus black, but they can not make Frey black. It's disrespectful to the belief and those like me who believe in it.

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