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Feeling like crap because I know no one around my age irl, I can't share any PJO animations here, where there would be actual fans that get the jokes instead of just seeing something cool I made, unless I made a YT channel for them, but then there's my dad I'd have to deal with.

Still can't drive.

Still can't get a job. Artwork would require making a new account, and again, my dad.

Still have no one to talk to outside a screen because my family barely ever wants to listen to me, and they're all too old or too young. And don't even like what I like anyways.

I feel so alone right now. And this place doesn't really help, especially since I barely talk to anyone on here except my bro and occasionally someone else.

Can't really leave my room because everywhere else has annoying little siblings who are loud and watch too much cringe stuff that make me feel stressed.

I'm so tired of feeling lonely. I need to be around other people's energy. But I have literally no way to do that. There's not even anyone in the neighborhood around my age.

I'm so tired of being alone. I haven't had in-person friends since I was like 8 or 9, and even then I wasn't able to go out anywhere with them. It was just them visiting for a bit or their parents needed my parents to watch their kid.. I'm now way older, and it's tearing at me.

Don't worry, I'm not thinking about taking my life. Too afraid of what comes after to do that. I'm just tired of being and feeling alone, it's an emptiness that keeps sucking everything else out and becoming a void. 

And there's nothing I can do about it. Not a dam thing.

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