Nico di Angelo

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Don't worry, I'm not trashing our favorite Son of Hades.

You know what hurts more?

Apollo mentions Nico grew up around a catholic family and, I think, was Catholic himself.

Things are more accepting now. But back in his time, they weren't. Catholic's were more against homosexuality then. Now there's some catholic people who are gay today.

And not only that, he was born around WW2, when Hitler was sending people to concentration camps for different things, including being homosexual. People taken from their homes, or ratted out by someone, to be tortured simply for liking the same gender.

And he had no idea about the pride riots that happened later in the century, so he thought things were just as bad as they were in the 1930's - 1940's. He was still a little boy in the casino when the riots happened.

And to top it off, there was probably a time where he started questioning his religion.
He found out that there isn't just one God. As Chiron says, not even the gods know if there is a God. So for these all powerful immortal beings who can almost do as they please with the world and it's inhabitants, even outside of the world, but not know if God exists, probably made him question his religion. And he probably was thinking he can't be a catholic if he's gay, that if there is a God, he may be punished for it. It's just what he grew up around until he was 10 years old.

And he pushes through all of this, to help people who he thought would always be scared of him. Would always hate him.

Nico is the strongest character, in my opinion.
Not just strength or magic wise. But his will, his heart, are strong. Percy's fatal flaw may be loyalty, but I think Nico is the most loyal.

Who went through Tartarus alone and brought back a sister he didn't know he had?

Who is going back to Tartarus to save a titan?

Who nearly died, fading away, shadow traveling 3 people and a huge statue around the world?

Who was the only one to hang around a lonely goddess?


Despite all he's gone through, despite all he's probably questioned, he pushed it aside to help any way he could, until we see he finally accepts himself with pride.
Nico is a dam great character, and I'd say the best.

Nico doesn't deserve a book.
He deserves his own series.

Sadly, Rick isn't doing any more major series.
I'd love to see a first person story from Nico's view, his internal thoughts, the ups and downs through his mind.
Because everyone sees a broken kid who draws away and slowly gets back up. But I want to know his thoughts, his emotions.

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