Old Friends

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I know it's been a while since my last update so I decided to post this short little chapter for you guys while I finish up an amazing chapter request.

Everyone always said that once you leave high school you drift from the friends you've collected over the last 12 years, but how could I ever stop being friends with you, Peter Parker? 

I remember the first day of kindergarten, not long after you'd lost your parents when you cried in the sandbox all alone. Until I came along and cried with you and somehow a friendship began. We'd colored together and played our own little games away from the other kids. You were different from the rest. 

I remember that day in April when we met Ned for the first time. He seemed nerdy and smart and almost too perfect for our small friend group. I was terrified that you would leave me for him, a better friend, but as always you were perfect and never failed to make me feel included. It didn't take very long to accept Ned's presence and everything settled back into a normal routine. It was as if nothing had changed. We still had sleepovers, played video games, and visited the comic book store every Thursday.

I'll always remember you running to my apartment in the middle of the night still covered in blood with wide, horror-stricken eyes after your uncle was killed right in front of you in the middle of the sidewalk. You finally explained all of your odd behavior recently was due to a radioactive spider bite that gave you abs and superpowers and the miraculous ability to play basketball. It wasn't a normal conversation, to say the least, but it did finally convince me to tell you about my mutant abilities that had scared me for so long.

I remember you telling me about Tony Stark sitting in your apartment when came home. You rambled about Captain America's shield for over an hour but I couldn't help but just watch you with fond eyes. 

And then it was yesterday, our last day of high school. I was tearful all day, awaiting the dreaded final bell that signaled the end of this phase of life. Lunch was a quiet affair. The final assembly was an awful goodbye. When the time finally arrived, we looked at each other for a long time before a long, tearful embrace. It hurt too bad to let go.

This couldn't be the end because how could I ever stop being friends with you, Peter Parker?

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