Best Friend Mayhem

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I'm having a bake sale to raise money to go on a trip, so I had to write this in between customers.

Peter and Wade were known to get up to trouble when they were left alone. They had egged Stark Tower, toilet-papered Tony and Steve's room, and filled Clint's room with cups full of water. The number of pranks they had pulled was infinite, you certainly couldn't keep count. 

"Peter I think I know what we're gonna do today," Wade said out of nowhere as they sat eating chimichangas and watching 'The Office'.  Peter turned to look at him with a confused expression on his face. 

"We're going to give you a fake goth makeover to surprise your dads. They'll get so mad!" Peter's face lit up with an excited grin of a five-year-old in a candy store. 

~Time Skip~

Their first stop was Hot Topic so they could find the perfect outfit and fake piercings. After a lot of consideration and heavy, intense thinking they decided on a Pierce the Veil hoodie and black ripped jeans. They managed to find a fake lip and ear piercing. Once Wade was content they headed to the next shop. 

The next stop was the wig store. It took almost an hour before they could find a believable wig that fit his head correctly. It was dark brown with long bangs that covered one of his eyes, which he found could be very annoying. 

~Time Skip~ 

Wade stood in front of Peter helping him put on his wig. He had already put on his outfit and fake piercing. Which Wade said, "looks very High School Musical." The final accessory was Peter's black Vans. Wade nodded content. 

"Let's go prank the fam." They walked into the Avengers main living room talking about Dora the Explorer and The Hobbit. The Avengers didn't look up as they walked in.

"Hey, Dad! Tell Wade that The Hobbit is better than the Lord of the Rings." Tony turned to look at the two and as his eyes rested on them they widened to the size dinner plates. 

"What are you wearing? Are you preaching about Edgar Allen Poe or something?" 

That is the moment where Peter and Wade died of sass overload.

Please comment and leave feedback. Don't forget to enter the cover challenge! Sorry to those I told to look at the Umbrella Boy chapter. I forgot to add details. Thank you!

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